Pope insults Muslims
Re: Pope insults Muslims
it will take awhile, but read that.
typical reaction. its OK for us to go batshit, but you guys cant open your mouth. hopefully, it passes, but sadly i think there will be riots and deaths realted to this..... they really cant just calm down and realize that the world is a different place who doesnt want to accept thier beliefs on how to live in society.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
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Re: Pope insults Muslims
its fucked up. ppl cant quote someone that dies a few hundred years ago, but a certain governmental leader is encouraging ppl to make cartoons to trash the holocost. (but he says it didnt happen, catch 22 huh)your life is an occasion, rise to it.
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Re: Pope insults Muslims
Some very interesting comments in that bbc post.
This one is good.
Anyone who takes the trouble to read the Pope's speech in its entirety - I have done so in both English and the German original - will notice firstly that the Pope was not actually discussing, let alone commenting on, Islam, and secondly that his intention was to comment - negatively - on Western secularism. That Western nations have wronged Muslims in the past I would willingly acknowledge, yet the reaction to this speech speaks of ignorance, even stupidity, and an apparent persecution complex
Alex, London
seems there are persons of the muslim community, including its leaders, that are too quick to judge .. or am i the one too quick to judge here?
if anyone gives comments while feeling angry .. that person should restrain himself first and then make the comment befitting a Muslim or a Christian - with understanding, wisdom and no judging.
Joe, Vevey
Re: Pope insults Muslims
my fav was
its time for the religion of peace to show it. throughout the geographical region it encompasses, we see only violence and no outrageyour life is an occasion, rise to it.
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Re: Pope insults Muslims
here is one from another point of view...
This hypocrisy from the West is just ridiculous. When someone utters anti-Semitic remarks he is attacked from all corners by the West and all its media (remember poor old Mel Gibson)... BUT when we Muslims show our disapproval to an anti-Islamic comment, it is suddenly dubbed as an "overreaction"...... come-on people.... get out of this illusion that the West is a pack of saints.....
Taimoor Mahmood, Singapore
Re: Pope insults Muslims
i saw that one too. but when mel gibson or pat robertson open thier traps, most of us either ignore them and let it go, or call them a moron and tell them to shut up. we dont run down to the local church or synagouge(sp) and riot, fight and burn shit.
tell me one normal person who thinks mel gibson's religous views are normal. he is a SICK actor though, but then again so is cruise.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
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Re: Pope insults Muslims
damn. now the vatican has stepped up security according to the BBC. they cant be that stupid could they? wow could you imagine........your life is an occasion, rise to it.
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Re: Pope insults Muslims
your talking about a group of people who use religion as an excuse to stone a woman to death for numerous evil things, like having sex out of wedlock...
could they attack the vatican? wouldn't put it past 'em.Comment
Re: Pope insults Muslims
Here's my personal opinion. The muslims as a general community need to back the fuck off and get their own house in order before they go demanding any more apologies from anyone else.
I recognize that there are untold millions of muslims around the world who are decent, peace-loving people. But the facts of the matter are:
1. There is a significant portion of overall muslim society that is extremist and violent, and/or that supports these ideas. Extremism is so pervasive in many muslim-dominated regions of the world that it is difficult to separate it from local culture and politics.
2. The muslim nations and leaders are not doing SHIT about it.
I've had about enough of these islamic people who demand apologies from the rest of the world while at the same time remain silent (if not cheer) when members of their own communities commit atrocities against the rest of the world. Whatever the Pope says, I don't see him asking anyone to strap on a bomb and kill themselves and others in the name of Christianity. It would be nice to see these big islamic talking political heads show HALF as much indignation over the extremist members of their own societies who are actively taking steps to kill everyone who isn't a fundamentalist nutjob like them. When Ahmadinejad says that the holocaust never happened and that Israel needs to be obliterated, those same islamic blabbermouths don't say SHIT. I don't see them at all concerned with how Christians feel when they do their victory dances caught on CNN camera after terrorists have killed another batch of innocent people.
So, no offense, but until they address their own society, they can shut the hell up. Insofar as they take no action and don't even express any indignation against their own home-grown terrorists, they are complicit with them.
We shouldn't give them any apologies. And if they refuse to take any action against the extremist elements of their own society that threaten others, then the rest of the world should. Even if that means that we have to use force. The difference is that we'd be reacting in self defense and in the name of future peace, whereas the extremists are killing in the name of ruthless imposition of their intolerant religious beliefs on everybody.mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslavComment
Re: Pope insults Muslims
bro, im actually clapping after reading that one. honest and true.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
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Re: Pope insults Muslims
bottom line you can't say shit without SOMEONE being offended by it.
Ever notice though that when God is brought in vain, some Christians may denounce it but it's just a bit of hot air really, whereas as soon as Mohammed is cast in a negative light, some people go off the fucking deep end?FM
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Re: Pope insults Muslims
for the 4th year in a row. No.
waitasecond, are they overreacting again?your life is an occasion, rise to it.
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