The Lies They Tell
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Re: The Lies They Tell
cool. rm: instead of trying to sell wolf tickets and conspiracy jargon here on [ms] so fervourously... you would be much more effective and constructive if you spent that energy, on say, big media news sites. you would sure stir up the hornets nest BIG TIME. i'd love to witness it, too.(((( }-d|-__-|b-{ )))) -
Re: The Lies They Tell
posted 3:15. Illustrious saying it is a conspiracy at 3:23.......... It is an hour long documentary.......... ...... ..... ...... ??? ??? ???
Brainwashed people fear the truth and run from it like the flu.Comment
Re: The Lies They Tell
son, for the record i ain't brainwashed. i read and clairvoyantly observe far more sobering truths than you would imagine. i also have sources with high sec. clearance - so don't underestimate and be so hasty to label anyone. i don't fear the truth; in fact, i know the real sublime truths --- not the brainwashing speculative plagues swamping the internet. youtube and certain pseudo info sites are your lot. i probe deep esoteric and hidden matters. i smile in the face of darkness and the adepts of deceit. many of them work through ones such as yourself, and many other "truth seekers." it is sad; mostly due to the fact that they are easy targets to possess, on an astral level, beacuse many true seekers are glamorized by theories that occultly look right, when in actuality they are duped facades perpetrated by the brothers of shadow.
i've seen this documentary by the way and it is a rehash fo the same old problems. and like so many, they are compiled by those sitting on the side lines; they know not the arcane issues kept hidden from cyperspace.(((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))Comment
Re: The Lies They Tell
The truth is, getting involved is where it's at, not posting 100's of conspiracy videos on Mercury Server.
Be the change you want to see, start a grass-roots effort of some sort, network, etc... Casting stones from the sidelines is for suckers.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: The Lies They Tell
I am on here, as well as in day to day meeting people and sharing truth.
Sort of a winning the hearts and minds kind of thing except I try to use truth. Also why do people associate truth with conspiracy now? This documentary is MSM lies.. blatant lies right out in the open. How is that a conspiracy? Also when will people look in the mirror and admit that they have been fooled for years by their gov't and MSM??
I did a few years ago. It was hard for me to realise that my gov't and the US gov't always lied. And that the MSM lies all the time.Comment
Re: The Lies They Tell
^ the director
no on a serious u honestly think that a politician should be in in power if he/she isn't a good liar ?
think about this before u answerComment
Re: The Lies They Tell
I believe if they lie to the people that put them their they should go to jail for life. They are in a position of power. Just like teachers and molestation the sentence is harsher.
I guess it is true, people like to be lied to. There isn't any hope.Comment
Re: The Lies They Tell
what about info leaking to mohamed living in ur country that leaks that info to the jihadist cult ?Comment
Re: The Lies They Tell
please note the 2003 date lineComment
Re: The Lies They Tell
As I said before I am not worried about things that happen once every 10 years. I honestly wouldn't be worried about it if it happens every month. I wouldn't want to get fingered at airports and have police come into my home without cause.
I guess it basically comes down to do you believe in Freedom or do you believe in the Nanny State? That is why at the end of the US National Anthem they ended with "And the Home of the Brave" You have to live your life brave and not be so afraid of dying that you would give up all your rights as a human being. Me being born in Canada but half American I have learned from what the US founding father were trying to do. Give people a chance to be free and they told us that we have to be brave to have it.Comment
Re: The Lies They Tell
What about the TSA looking at your facial expressions before being patted down?? You better like getting felt up or you might be a terrorist.
You see Tyranny has no end. Once you give up one right you will over time lose them all.Comment
Re: The Lies They Tell
What about the TSA looking at your facial expressions before being patted down?? You better like getting felt up or you might be a terrorist.
You see Tyranny has no end. Once you give up one right you will over time lose them all.Comment
Re: The Lies They Tell
As I said before I am not worried about things that happen once every 10 years. I honestly wouldn't be worried about it if it happens every month. I wouldn't want to get fingered at airports and have police come into my home without cause.
I guess it basically comes down to do you believe in Freedom or do you believe in the Nanny State? That is why at the end of the US National Anthem they ended with "And the Home of the Brave" You have to live your life brave and not be so afraid of dying that you would give up all your rights as a human being. Me being born in Canada but half American I have learned from what the US founding father were trying to do. Give people a chance to be free and they told us that we have to be brave to have it.Comment
Re: The Lies They Tell
RM you should just bite the bullet and move to one of the many beautiful parts of the U.S... There are many great places to raise a family here and be a capitalist or artist or both, whatever you fancy. Stop speculating from afar and just move here already.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
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