Issa: Slew of Subpeonas to Be Issued Over Operation Fast and Furious

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  • vinnie97
    Are you Kidding me??
    • Jul 2007
    • 3454

    Re: Issa: Slew of Subpeonas to Be Issued Over Operation Fast and Furious

    Another source:

    A spokesman for House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa told The Daily Caller the congressman expects his investigations into the Justice Department’s gun walking programs to point to a much higher political appointee than acting ATF director Kenneth Melson.

    Melson is widely expected to resign some time in the next couple of days in the face of political pressure from Issa’s investigations into Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast Furious.

    Even if Melson resigns, Issa spokesman Frederick Hill said the Committee expects to find much more and continue with investigations.

    “The investigations are far from over,” Hill told TheDC. “It’s quite certain that Kenneth Melson was not the principal architect of this plan nor was he the only high-ranking official who knew about and authorized this operation.”
    Is ALL this just conspiracy, Illustrious, or do you need to check with your Secret Service agent first? :P

    Two more headshots:

    "Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told TheDC a Melson resignation “would be seen as an admission that something went terribly wrong.” Fitton thinks Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious were political ploys from the Obama administration, not real law enforcement efforts."
    Former El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) director Phil Jordan said he thinks this scandal goes as high as Attorney General Eric Holder. From his decades of law enforcement experience working with Washington-based Justice Department officials, Jordan said he’s sure this kind of program would have needed approval from either the Attorney General or one of his direct deputies.


    • vinnie97
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jul 2007
      • 3454

      Re: Issa: Slew of Subpeonas to Be Issued Over Operation Fast and Furious

      The ATF grunts themselves can clearly see it:

      Are DOJ and ATF Deliberately Stonewalling Congress?

      It seems to me that DOJ and ATF have, in effect, contemptuously flipped Congress the bird throughout the emerging "Gunrunner/Fast & Furious" scandal. First, they stalled and obfuscated, hoping that it would all just go away if they hunkered down for awhile (Option 1A from the ATF Executive Management Playbook). Then, they lied like a Persian rug when they told Congress, in writing, that they "did not" sanction or approve the operations which led to the "walking" of guns to Mexico, and ultimately to the death of one or more valiant American law enforcement Officers. Now, they're trying to parse what the meaning of the word "is, is. It's utterly disgusting and should be the subject of massive, "take-no-prisoners" outrage on the part of Congress and every American citizen.

      The "performance" of Asst. Attorney General Ronald Weich during last week's hearings, was surely one of the most appalling exercises in semantic evasion and creative stonewalling ever broadcast on live television. He should have simply said, "We all take the 5th", and saved everyone a lot of hassle. The lengthy opening statement he made was so diametrically opposed to obvious reality (i.e., "We have fully cooperated with Congress and intend to continue doing so!"), as to be laughably ludicrous. Only no one is laughing.

      I call upon the majority party in the House to resist the temptation to get all squishy and "bi-partisan" (aka: wimpy). It's time to go whole-hog at these charlatans who have so ignominiously failed in their sworn duty to uphold the law, and are now lying through their teeth to try and save their own miserable necks.

      No more negotiation. No more courtesy and quarter where none is returned. Obama himself said, "We won" (meaning that the Democrats won the election in `08, and thus, would do whatever THEY wanted, regardless of minority objections". Well, the Republicans won the House last November, and it's time to start acting like winners. Congressmen Issa and Grassley, go for the jugular. This is the only strategy that has a prayer of turning the Titanic that is DOJ/ATF around before that looming iceberg tears it from stem to stern.

      Melson is just a hapless, bumbling, "deer in the headlights" pawn whose 15 minutes of fame has expired. Eric Holder has got to go. He has been the most ineffective, incompetent, virulently racist, constitutionally violative, and recklessly clueless AG ever to disgrace the office. He ought to be representing dog bite victims in some backwater Small Claims Court.

      And inserting (if you'll pardon the expression) Andy Traver as Acting Director, would be just another in a long line of deck chair rearranging parties on
      And direct evidence that Holder just reverted (as of June 13, the day these hearings began) to an old policy that allowed the arrest of straw purchasers. Another coincidence of course.

      Sipsey Street Exclusive: Straight from Eric Holder's desk. New "Law Enforcement Strategies for Reducing Gun Violence."

      "Okay, guys, you remember what I said about straw purchasers? Well, forget it. It just didn't work out, in case you hadn't noticed."

      Over the electronic transom I received this document issued Monday by Eric Holder regarding "Law Enforcement Strategies for Reducing Gun Violence." Although I received it pdf form, I transcribed it to shield the source of this document from easy trace.

      This memo announces a crack-down on straw purchasers, something that the October 2009 DOJ policy meeting declared was no longer of particular concern.

      You will note that this memo is dated the same day as the first Gunwalker hearing, and reverts to the old policy of catching straw buyers and rolling them, something the agents at Wednesday's hearing bitterly complained that they were not allowed to do under Gunwalker.


      • vinnie97
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Jul 2007
        • 3454

        Re: Issa: Slew of Subpeonas to Be Issued Over Operation Fast and Furious

        The story that keeps unfolding and even has LA Times admitting something's amiss in this debacle:

        Memos from 2010 show some in senior positions were aware of tactics used in a surveillance operation in which firearms were allowed into Mexico in a failed effort to catch drug cartel leaders.

        Memos from 2010 show some in senior positions were aware of tactics used in a surveillance operation in which firearms were allowed into Mexico in a failed effort to catch drug cartel leaders.


        • vinnie97
          Are you Kidding me??
          • Jul 2007
          • 3454

          Re: Issa: Slew of Subpeonas to Be Issued Over Operation Fast and Furious

          Of course, Eric Holder is one of the prominent senior position-holders who denied having known anything about this operation:

          Since he denied any prior knowledge earlier this summer in the above hearings, this makes him guilty of perjury when taken in conjunction with the story on LA Times. This coverup continues to unravel...the more stonewalling, the guiltier they appear.

