Probably shouldn't be surprised there's no thread or review of this movie in here 
Pretty much a movie to pass the time if there's nothing else to watch. Depp is wearing out his welcome as Jack Sparrow. Unfortunately in an interview he mentioned he can see himself doing this franchise for a long time: I imagine it's a cash cow with hardly any effort on acting on his part. But Cruz was alright, she's a better addition to the franchise than Bloom and Knightly.
Can't imagine Disney killing off this franchise, but it'd be a shame if Depp's career becomes synonymous with this.

Pretty much a movie to pass the time if there's nothing else to watch. Depp is wearing out his welcome as Jack Sparrow. Unfortunately in an interview he mentioned he can see himself doing this franchise for a long time: I imagine it's a cash cow with hardly any effort on acting on his part. But Cruz was alright, she's a better addition to the franchise than Bloom and Knightly.
Can't imagine Disney killing off this franchise, but it'd be a shame if Depp's career becomes synonymous with this.