Sasha @ Blu Room Orlando, FL

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  • Localizer
    Platinum Poster
    • Jul 2004
    • 2021

    Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
    -Bertrand Russell


    • Lrn
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jan 2005
      • 3233

      (Reminscent of the Simpsons episode where Homer thinks Bart is turning gay and takes him to the Steel Factory)


      • Localizer
        Platinum Poster
        • Jul 2004
        • 2021

        Re: Sasha @ Blu Room Orlando, FL

        Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
        -Bertrand Russell


        • BeachBum
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 471

          Originally posted by SickBoy
          people that you hadn't seen from like ten years, were at this event. Great fucking night. Let's see if some nice guy out there recorded it. For about thirty mins i swear I felt like i was in heaven. He played some of the most nastiest breaks tracks i've heard, these tracks weren't all fluffy and melodic either they were hard and to the point. I would say 1 out of 10 it was 9 (anyone care to disagree) I need rest now guys and girls have a great Saturday.
          Actually I would say it was a great night but...I wasn't feeling the music. Most of what Sasha played was tech house. Every now and then he would throw in a sick breaks mix but then went right back to Tech house. I just didn't feel like I was being driven too dance. I dunno, It was fun don't get me wrong but the music could have been much nastier in my opinion.
          The man who has no imagination has no wings - Muhammad Ali


          • skahound
            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
            • Jun 2004
            • 11411

            Re: Sasha @ Blu Room Orlando, FL

            Here's my contribution. I will attempt to find a host for the 4 or so vids I have from the night. I'll post a link to those as soon as I do. As for the night, Tim & Jimmy definitely made me mess my pants. Sasha's set was a bit too all over the place for my taste. I agree with Kabir about their being way too many breakdowns, and the whole night seemed to have some sort of 80s flare. Believe me, I enjoyed the absolute hell out myself and really liked meeting everyone there (code11, beachbum, sakio_pod, bryanw24, localizer, supaz, sickboy, Balanc3, shawnaownsyou, hydra, and anyone else I might be forgetting). See all you bitches in Miami.

            A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


            • therealpandora
              Getting warmed up
              • Nov 2004
              • 78

              [quote="Localizer"]Not to mention, there were a lot of gay people coming in and a lot of transvestites (Reminscent of the Simpsons episode where Homer thinks Bart is turning gay and takes him to the Steel Factory) Not that I'm homophobe, but I became really uncomfortable when a guy would try and dance with me more than several times. Then when I danced with a girl, I was afraid I'd be grinding a guy masked as a chick

              Dude wth did you expect in a bar you were going to see Sasha? Do you not realize that pretty much any bar your going to have DJ's in much less Sasha in your going to see gay guys & lesbian women, as well as tranvestites! And as far as I go I think Sasha was great! I had my husband & alot of my dearest friends there, It was awsome! I got alot of pics as well, but I'll have to get them devloped & I'll get them up too!

              MUCH LOVE, PANDORA....


              • therealpandora
                Getting warmed up
                • Nov 2004
                • 78

                [quote="Localizer"]Not to mention, there were a lot of gay people coming in and a lot of transvestites (Reminscent of the Simpsons episode where Homer thinks Bart is turning gay and takes him to the Steel Factory) Not that I'm homophobe, but I became really uncomfortable when a guy would try and dance with me more than several times. Then when I danced with a girl, I was afraid I'd be grinding a guy masked as a chick

                Dude wth did you expect in a bar you were going to see Sasha? Do you not realize that pretty much any bar your going to have DJ's in it much less Sasha in your going to see gay guys & lesbian women, as well as tranvestites! And as far as I go I think Sasha was great! I had my husband & alot of my dearest friends there, It was awsome! I got alot of pics as well, but I'll have to get them devloped & I'll get them up too!

                MUCH LOVE, PANDORA....


                • palmer
                  Retired or Simply Important
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 5383

                  Originally posted by therealpandora
                  LOL! ^
                  art direction | design | animation


                  • therealpandora
                    Getting warmed up
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 78

                    why is that funny????


                    • viceroy
                      Addiction started
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 305

                      glad to hear you had a good time you have the wmc coming lucky ass!


                      • Localizer
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 2021

                        Originally posted by Localizer
                        Not to mention, there were a lot of gay people coming in and a lot of transvestites (Reminscent of the Simpsons episode where Homer thinks Bart is turning gay and takes him to the Steel Factory) Not that I'm homophobe, but I became really uncomfortable when a guy would try and dance with me more than several times. Then when I danced with a girl, I was afraid I'd be grinding a guy masked as a chick

                        Dude wth did you expect in a bar you were going to see Sasha? Do you not realize that pretty much any bar your going to have DJ's in it much less Sasha in your going to see gay guys & lesbian women, as well as tranvestites! And as far as I go I think Sasha was great! I had my husband & alot of my dearest friends there, It was awsome! I got alot of pics as well, but I'll have to get them devloped & I'll get them up too!

                        MUCH LOVE, PANDORA....

                        Lol sorry I just didn't expect that turnout probably because I'm still new to the area. I liked the lesbian part though
                        Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
                        -Bertrand Russell


                        • palmer
                          Retired or Simply Important
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 5383

                          Originally posted by therealpandora
                          why is that funny????
                          because you have duplicate/double posted
                          art direction | design | animation


                          • skahound
                            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 11411

                            haha, palmer made a funny.
                            A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                            • therealpandora
                              Getting warmed up
                              • Nov 2004
                              • 78

                              Originally posted by palmer
                              Originally posted by therealpandora
                              why is that funny????
                              because you have duplicate/double posted

                              Duh JackAss, and if you would have looked hard enough, you would have seen the 2 messages! What you saw was my signature, And further more I had poated & realized I missed a word in the first one, but you know us fuckin with each other like this is in good fun right? So no hard feelins! LOL!

                              Much Love, Pandora....
                              YOU CAN IMMITATE, BUT NEVER DUPLICATE!!!!


                              • palmer
                                Retired or Simply Important
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 5383

                                No, message boards are a serious game. Take it back.

                                art direction | design | animation

