Transformers 3 - more retarded eye candy.

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  • Highsteppa
    Gold Gabber
    • Feb 2005
    • 735

    Transformers 3 - more retarded eye candy.

    It's kind of surprising for a guy like Michael Bay to actually take a lot of the criticism he got for Transformers 2 and actually take some of that criticism to heart. I will give him credit that the third installment is better than 2, but it's still nothing more than special effects scenes strung together by images of people running for their lives and shouting.

    The people in this are so inconsequential to the story and what's going on onscreen, you can't help but wonder why they even bothered to write them into the film. Shia Lebouef's character is now trying to find a job in Washington, but is stuck working the mailroom, with his creepy boss (John Malkovich) hitting on his girlfriend (some Victoria Secret model taking over for Megan Fox, who got fired by producer Steven Speilberg when she compared Michael Bay to Hilter on set). All of this is so incidental to the action and story, it's almost abstract.

    The first half of the film is a bore - for the reasons mentioned above - they really are just burning time, setting up some events in the film to give us the excuse of seeing digital buildings topple over in the Chicago landscape. The movie has a lot less juvenile humor (robotic body fluid jokes are reigned in substantially) and Michael Bay resists going into his usual broad stereotypes that populate his films (Sassy black lady giving attitude in bureaucracy situation - those two really offensive robots from the last movie are thankfully nowhere to be found), which lends the movie a bit of credit to it when the mayhem starts from the last 90 or so minutes.

    Don't expect much, and you'll enjoy yourself with this. I went in to see this with the only expectation that I'm wanting to see a movie where vehicles transform into giant robots and fight each other and it delivered that - nothing else.

    Edit - yes, it's worth seeing in IMAX 3D for the spectacle of the last 90 minutes.
  • coxhead andy
    Fresh Peossy
    • Jun 2011
    • 6

    Re: Transformers 3 - more retarded eye candy.

    The first two were great so I think I did not disappoint other than Megan Fox does not take a look.
    Last edited by coxhead andy; July 23, 2011, 08:42:50 AM.


    • Kamal
      • May 2002
      • 28835

      Re: Transformers 3 - more retarded eye candy.

      ^^^ i can't believe even trolls would spit out such a horrid 1 line review. got my eye on you now matey.

      Jib says:
      he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
      Originally posted by ace_dl
      Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
      I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


      • GregWhelan
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Jun 2004
        • 2994

        Re: Transformers 3 - more retarded eye candy.

        Originally posted by Highsteppa
        It's kind of surprising for a guy like Michael Bay to actually take a lot of the criticism he got for Transformers 2 and actually take some of that criticism to heart. I will give him credit that the third installment is better than 2, but it's still nothing more than special effects scenes strung together by images of people running for their lives and shouting.

        The people in this are so inconsequential to the story and what's going on onscreen, you can't help but wonder why they even bothered to write them into the film. Shia Lebouef's character is now trying to find a job in Washington, but is stuck working the mailroom, with his creepy boss (John Malkovich) hitting on his girlfriend (some Victoria Secret model taking over for Megan Fox, who got fired by producer Steven Speilberg when she compared Michael Bay to Hilter on set). All of this is so incidental to the action and story, it's almost abstract.

        The first half of the film is a bore - for the reasons mentioned above - they really are just burning time, setting up some events in the film to give us the excuse of seeing digital buildings topple over in the Chicago landscape. The movie has a lot less juvenile humor (robotic body fluid jokes are reigned in substantially) and Michael Bay resists going into his usual broad stereotypes that populate his films (Sassy black lady giving attitude in bureaucracy situation - those two really offensive robots from the last movie are thankfully nowhere to be found), which lends the movie a bit of credit to it when the mayhem starts from the last 90 or so minutes.

        Don't expect much, and you'll enjoy yourself with this. I went in to see this with the only expectation that I'm wanting to see a movie where vehicles transform into giant robots and fight each other and it delivered that - nothing else.

        Edit - yes, it's worth seeing in IMAX 3D for the spectacle of the last 90 minutes.
        Couldnt agree more with this review.

        Saw it last night. Effects are just sensational, but it is just a 2 hour excuse to blow things up. The thing that I'm getting annoyed with on these action films is they are getting just more and more riduculous in terms of the stunts/action. Shia Labouef's character gets thrown through a bloody window and there isnt a scratch on him!

        Also, have the humans not worked out that shooting a normal gun at the robots does no damage at all? Always cracks me up.

        As mentioned, the effects are amazing and make the viewing worthwhile - just make sure you go in the cinema not expecting much!


        • feather
          Shanghai ooompa loompa
          • Jul 2004
          • 20903

          Re: Transformers 3 - more retarded eye candy.


          Originally posted by Hoff
          a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
          Originally posted by m1sT3rL
          Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

          I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


          • Corven
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jun 2004
            • 4080

            Re: Transformers 3 - more retarded eye candy.


            not planning to watch it and after reading that i'll save my time by not watching it when it comes on HBO
            I broke my spoon on the viagra sundae.


            • Illuminate
              DUDERZ get a life!!!
              • Aug 2009
              • 5152

              Re: Transformers 3 - more retarded eye candy.

              Conspiracy theories
              Pink Floyd
              Fast cars which transform
              Victoria Secret Model
              Lots of shouting and running
              Chicago being raped by robots

              2 and a half hours of that.

              I got dragged into watching this and I literally fell asleep for the first hour and a half.
              What I do give credit for is obviously the special effects and graphics, the cinematography was pretty good as well. Well thought out at least in this instalment.
              Everything else was your typical clichés. .

              I'd say be an hour late, and just get in to see the second hour

              The One contains the Many, and the Many contains the One:
              - You Will Be Missed.

              "Mankind has the propensity to fuck itself up on anything it lays its hands on."

              "Who moderates this forum and makes these decisions? Stevie Wonder?"
              "i'd give her a muscle she doesn't have "
              the banned1

              "I love you Illuminate... that's divine/creator/God in me loving the origin of you."

