AMERICA is 13 business days from an unprecedented default on its national debt that could tip the country back into recession and set off a new financial crisis if not averted with increased borrowing, President Obama believes.
Backed by Wall Street but facing deadlock in Washington, a visibly angry Mr Obama walked out of a fourth day of debt crisis talks this week after saying he would risk his presidency rather than accept Republican demands.
Backed by Wall Street but facing deadlock in Washington, a visibly angry Mr Obama walked out of a fourth day of debt crisis talks this week after saying he would risk his presidency rather than accept Republican demands.
Ratcheting higher the pressure on Washington to strike a deal, Standard & Poor's for the first time said there was a 50% chance it would downgrade its rating of long-term U.S. debt within three months because the chances of default were "increasing" and the political debate about deficit reduction and the debt ceiling had "only become more entangled." The U.S. has had a AAA bond-rating from S&P for 70 years.
I love the AAA bullshit everyone is concerned about. Means jack shit.
So any thought's American MS'ers?