Randy Moss leaving town!!!
Re: Randy Moss leaving town!!!
sounds like a good move for both vikings and raiders, vikings have no defense and without one, you can't win much in NFL now days, last 5 championships were won by great defensive teams. (Patriots, Tampa, Ravenvs). In the last couple years Vikings defense were ranked close to dead last in NFL so Randy or no Randy they were not going anywhere. In terms what Okland is getting in Randy is a good weapon, Al Davis always been a fan of deep pass and N. Turner was brought to Raiders just for that. I am not completely convinced that K. Collins is good enough QB to make it happen.Comment
its silly how people want to become radiers becasue they think its a ghetto ass team, well i guess they are rowdy comparted to other teams. but fuck al davis and i which he left oakland and took his mountain with him. he lives like half a mile from my house in piedmont and everytime i drive by his house i flick him off. he absolutly massacred the oakland coliseum.Comment