Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

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  • digitalghost10
    Getting Somewhere
    • Dec 2004
    • 175

    Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

    Don't blame me if you read this. :P
  • remoh
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 2466

    then i wont..i like placing blame
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    • digitalghost10
      Getting Somewhere
      • Dec 2004
      • 175

      So what you guys think about EIII - more crap or something different?


      • remoh
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 2466

        well the first 2 episodes were garbage..the trailer for this one looks awesome... i think one of the main problems in the first 2 episodes was anakin..the actors were terrible... and the whole jedis have a paraiste in their body that gives them the force???..what the hell is that?? that was a cop out.....
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        • digitalghost10
          Getting Somewhere
          • Dec 2004
          • 175

          Yeah the metaclorians bullshit was silly. He could have left that messy sillyness out completely, it isn't like he explained to us how other things worked. It really didn't matter, I was happier that it wasn't explained, you can't expect that there will be a satisfying explaination for everything in a fantasy. Just give us good characters with a good solid story, keep to the basics first for christ's sake. Then if your going to spend a bundle of money put it into decent actors and not no name assholes who have to carry a significant portrait of a major character and then don't expect people to be pissed as hell when you do it. I think Lucas should seriously reconsider his decisions and not make them in a fucken vacuum.

          I hope there is a SF story out there that can do better in film than this crop of star wars films and capture the imagination as the first two films did and give us something to forget that these two preqeul piles of shit ever existed.

          Well at least the actor Ewan McGregor thinks this latest film is better than the first two, if you simply count the fight sequences.

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          I will look forward to at least that part of it, maybe there will be an edited version of EIII that will make me happy like they did with EI and came out with an Episode I edited version to cut out Jar-Jar's crap dialog.


          • sammwalk
            Gold Gabber
            • Jun 2004
            • 769

            Re: Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

            ^^^ You're referring to the midichlorian nonsense. Well, at least I thought it was nonsense until I heard where Lucas is going with it.

            Darth Vader's supposed to be this incredibly powerful warrior, but all we see of him is how he can choke people from across the room and how he's pretty good with a lightsaber. He's also a decent pilot, but we never see him do anything we would expect from one with his stature, Clone Warrior, hunter-killer of the Jedi, etc. He doesn't use the lightning or do backflips or heft spaceships with the Force.

            Well, this is because he's missing most of his body (and hence, his midiclorians) by the time he's in the suit. "He's more machine now than man." So the midiclorians accunt for the fact that Darth is not nearly as powerful as we would expect a full-fledged Sith Master to be. Hell, he could barely fight off Ben as an old man!

            Anyway, I thought it was such bullshit before, but now I can at least see why they chose to introduce "midiclorians".


            • digitalghost10
              Getting Somewhere
              • Dec 2004
              • 175

              Re: Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

              So basically,he so f'n powerfull potentially, but he never really realizes this because of Ben throwing in a pit of fire.

              Then where the hell does the emperor rank compared to Vader if Vader can pick up the emperor and launch him over the side of a huge plate form killing the emperor? Why didn't the emporer just do something clever to get out of it.

              Then again what the hell is General Grevious about then? This thing is like a super jedi and it's really just a cyborg unit. How is this managed if it would be less powerful than a jedi/sith given the metaclorin counts.

              Aaaa..I won't be happy with this little tedious crap no matter what Lucas makes up.


              • sammwalk
                Gold Gabber
                • Jun 2004
                • 769

                Re: Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

                At the risk of the becoming a SW fanboyish discussion (too late!), the Emperor was quite distracted at the time when Vader picks him up, and probably more than a little confused. Nevertheless, the Emperor's bolts are going into Vader when he throws him down the shaft; I guess the suit is protecting him to some degree.

                I don't know enough about Grevious to could be that there is a discontinuity in the logic of midichlorians. Or Grevious is not neccessarily powerful in the Force. I think he's a dumb character anyway.

                After seeing as much as I have, EP III will wind up being slightly better then EP II. but still nowhere near as good as even ROTJ, let alone the other two.


                • sonatine
                  Getting Somewhere
                  • Mar 2005
                  • 249

                  Re: Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

                  the whole series really went to hell with those first two episodes. even if this last one is spectacular, the terribleness of the first two will remain.


                  • sammwalk
                    Gold Gabber
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 769

                    Re: Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

                    how sadly true...


                    • mario belter
                      Addiction started
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 274

                      Re: Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

                      yeah, the first 2 eps were crap, but the trailer for ep3 looks promising, don't it?


                      • TomTom
                        Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
                        • May 2002
                        • 16206

                        Re: Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

                        It?s the 1st Star Wars movie you need to be 16 years old to watch it in Europe. All movies before were ok for 12 year old kids already.


                        • Weizy
                          MCast Resident DJ
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 3222

                          Re: Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

                          Originally posted by mario belter
                          yeah, the first 2 eps were crap, but the trailer for ep3 looks promising, don't it?
                          yes, my thoughts exactly. but wasn't episode 2 a bit better than 1?


                          • sammwalk
                            Gold Gabber
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 769

                            Re: Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

                            A lot better, but still not great. There's this element of cheesiness that permeates the whole prequel trilogy that I just don't understand.

                            Based on the preview for Episode II, Episode III won't be much better. I remember being all psyched up to see AOTC, but it was pretty lame on repeat viewings (whereas I feel like I could sit through the originals every day). You can't judge it by the previews- they cut out all the cheesy stuff and bad acting.


                            • darsh09
                              Fresh Peossy
                              • Apr 2005
                              • 13

                              Re: Star Wars Episode III (spoilers)

                              Im excited to see Eps III, but wont have the same expectations as i did watching Eps I

