Essay I wrote about the *Digweed* experience

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  • luck211
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jun 2004
    • 166

    Essay I wrote about the *Digweed* experience

    Dirty Sticky Floors

    The club life hidden from the mainstream is the sanctuary in which many of us come to listen to the beautiful complexity of electronic sound waves. It is a place where one can lose themselves, forget worries, and gain inner peace. The music typically played at these venues is created by regular people like you and I, thus eliminating the pop star egotistical aspect rampant in most music cultures. If anything, the DJ is worshipped by the house nation because the vibe penetrates the depths of the soul. Why does it make us feel this way I contemplate? There is a progressive house DJ named John Digweed who I saw play sometime in mid-January who has profoundly changed my own perspective on the club experience. John Digweed is someone who plays all over the world showing that his music transcends all cultural boundaries. He started out as a simple gardener in London until he was able to purchase his first used pair of turntables. In the beginning, Digweed wasn?t able to even book his own shows. He would have to put other big name DJ?s names on the with his on flyers in order to get promoters to book him. Yet dedication and perseverance have paid off and he is now runs of the elegant record label, Bedrock. When I first heard Digweed was going to be spinning at Ruby Skye Night Club in San Francisco I knew I had to see the man. Tickets were booked for accommodations at the last minute, and after work at 6pm I began my journey. That night turned into one of the most euphoric and unforgettable nights I have ever encountered.

    The night began around 6:30pm when I got off of work and rushed to prepare for the evening. None of my friends were going to come that evening based on the fact a lot of them had to work, and others just aren?t really into the scene to pay $30 to see Digweed spin records. Regardless, I was ?amped? and I had additional plans to possibly meet some acquaintances at the club. I ended up taking Cal Train which would seem rather boring. That night I was seeing the world in terms of my anticipations of having a great experience. The small details of the night really made the difference in the end. Upon arrival I called Sundepth Kim from a payphone, and she said she would meet me in front of the Safeway right outside the Cal Train Station. I was cold, yet ecstatic to the point where it did not effect me. Some homeless fellow came up to me and we started chatting; I?ve always been kind to the people of the streets. I specifically recall him telling me ?I can?t wait until your generation runs the world.?
    Though I had to disagree with his reasoning I loved his optimism. I ended up giving him five dollars, a bidi (Indian cigarette), and a packet of green tea. As I?m getting the green tea out for him, Sundepth Kim rolls up and waves for me to get in. I tell him ?My ride is here,? and before I left offered him a place to stay tonight being I had the hotel, upon further realization it would be impossible for me to get hold of him again. . Sundepth and I caught up on what?s going on, and she kindly offered to help me get me situated. Kim drove me to Ruby Skye where I hopped out and proceeded to purchase my ticket, which I was preying was still available. Standing in line was even awesome, the people seemed to all be my kind of people so conversations took place and the mundane moments were enjoyed. I ran back to Kim?s car hopped in and she drove me to my hotel on Van Ness near the end of the Wharf area. Sundepth left me there only after I reassured her I would be safe and I checked into the hotel which according to one review there was blood stains on the sheet. After checking into my room I proceeded to find a taxi driver. I started asking this cute girl at the bus stop how I would get to the club which soon turned into casual conversation. I recall asking her ?where is it that she was from??
    Her response ?Canada.?
    My response ?I like how you answered that.?
    I quickly found a taxi driver after this and hopped into something for the third time that night. ?Where to?? the common question.
    ?Ruby Skye? I replied in manner not to elucidate that I am a traveler.
    The taxi driver took off and I began the conversation in reference to how the cab business was going this year. Our conversation gradually progressed to topics such as spirituality, Buddhism, karma, ect? I couldn?t figure out what race the man was and after unsuccessfully guessing nearly every country except his own, he had put his soul into his answer in a literal sense. I still remember the proud roar of his voice reminding me of a lion ?Ethiopian,? being his final reply.
    He was able to overlook my lack of knowledge regarding his culture. We arrived at the club, I asked him to give me his email for further communications in which he did. There I was, right in front of the Ruby Skye night club. The beginning to an end was attained.

    ?A good DJ has the power to suspend reality. Replacing your everyday worries with a few more -even animal- priorities.? Going to the club scene the first time one doesn?t know what to expect. You walk in and show the usual bouncer at the door that you have been stamped allowing you passage into the club. Walking into the club the music was already taking control of the vibe; while others chilled on the outskirts of the dance floor. I went on the dance floor and saw that Desyn Masiello was spinning. Essentially, what a DJ is doing is mixing individual tracks into a whole piece known as the set. How a DJ mixes and what songs he plays is what creates the euphoric vibe. House becomes more than just music, it possesses the individual and creates a feeling. It?s a global venue in the fact that you find people of all races and colors there. Climbed the stairs to the bar got Hennessey on the rocks for $8 and checked out the scene a bit. Like from one of 2Pac?s classic songs ?Let the liquor help you get up on it.?
    I was following his advice this lovely evening. I went downstairs and was out on the outskirts just bobbing my head to the pulsating sound of the bass. The bass reminds you of a primitive drum ritual taking on spiritual meaning in the sanctuary. The alcohol made me feel at ease and I couldn?t stop myself from starting to dance. I walked over to the bar and put down my empty glass. What proceeded, I was just deeply lost dancing to the rhythm of the sounds. I was just out there dancing and everyone was feeling the vibe. Everybody wants to dance and you dance with so many different people. I?m dancing and finally notice Digweed up on stage. Just seeing him gave me a positive vibe and he seemed to be cool. He was up there just smiling, taking pictures, and waving at the crowd. These venues are really about uniting people through music and having a common one love. You see on the dance floor there is always that social aspect of humans interacting and socializing which makes the experience interesting in an interpersonal sense. You can dance with the same person or move on and just work your way throughout the crowd. I only stayed for the first 2 hours of Digweed I just got became exhausted from the workout. It was time to chill out a bit.

    Now is the chill out time which is essential to the club night. It was so nice to walk out the club and be back on the city streets. Fresh air, San Francisco street dwellers, and seeing people still trying to get into the club are the overwhelming stimulus. I purchased some water at the liquor store and went to Union Square to chill out a bit, because it?s around the corner from the club. That night I was just chilling out there enjoying the moments. Chill out time leads to various options as to what to do next. Mainly it?s to chill out but it varies upon the situation. At that point I went in and danced for another twenty minutes but I was just too tired. The clubs have so many people that I never ever saw my acquaintances who I had speculated on meeting that night. I left Ruby Skye and went and got dinner a block away from the club. Waking up the next morning in San Francisco was a cool feeling even though I had to catch Cal Train back to Cupertino for work at 2:30pm. I woke up about 8:30am still feeling elevated from the night before. The positive energy was still flowing through my system. As I was leaving San Francisco that morning my memories of the night before had become a backdrop to everything I saw. I finally realized the significance of the night before and it became a source of inspiration.

    Going to see John Digweed that Friday night in San Francisco will always remind me how vibrant and positive people can be. People who enjoy dancing to unknown EP?s such as Quadrant 4 or Let?s Get Dirty. Most importantly it remains as an inspiration in nearly every walk of life. Everyday is club day in a sense because the lifestyle becomes a way of life. You lose yourself on the dance floor and then when you come back into the world you find yourself. The meaningful coincidences which occurred over my journey are really what made the trip truly unforgettable. In the end I feel like the experience has restored my faith in people, and created a basis for myself and others to achieve halcyon moments.
    <DiSCO SHiT>
  • Lrn
    Are you Kidding me??
    • Jan 2005
    • 3233

    Everyday is club day in a sense because the lifestyle becomes a way of life. You lose yourself on the dance floor and then when you come back into the world you find yourself. The meaningful coincidences which occurred over my journey are really what made the trip truly unforgettable.

    well put my friend, digweed and the crowd that night were really amazing.


    • Lrn
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jan 2005
      • 3233

      oh didnt even know you wrote that for a class, i which i had a class right now were i could express myself in that way


      • skahound
        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
        • Jun 2004
        • 11411

        Nice story, thanks for sharing.
        A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


        • luck211
          Getting Somewhere
          • Jun 2004
          • 166

          Originally posted by Lrn
          oh didnt even know you wrote that for a class, i which i had a class right now were i could express myself in that way
          yeah i had to edit it a bit to make it acceptable for class. when i mentioned giving "green tea" to the bum, that really was some chronic. Also, when I went over to Union Square believe I was smoking some chronic over there. :P I also excluded getting some ass that night, which really topped it off.
          <DiSCO SHiT>


          • Lrn
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jan 2005
            • 3233

            hehe nice, its awsome how you can juse bounce out that club smoke a bowl then go back in, should stash some booze in union square and slam it at like 3 am for digweed


            • mrvicks99
              Fresh Peossy
              • Jan 2005
              • 22

              Re: Essay I wrote about the *Digweed* experience

              A good read!!

              Not sure why you would leave Digweed after only 2 hrs, though!


              • luck211
                Getting Somewhere
                • Jun 2004
                • 166

                Originally posted by Lrn
                hehe nice, its awsome how you can juse bounce out that club smoke a bowl then go back in, should stash some booze in union square and slam it at like 3 am for digweed
                the first time i went to ruby skye, maybe 2004. Went to see Mark Farina, and we were just blowing right there on the dance floor. I'm thinking of bring my own shot glass, and a bottle of hennessey next time, $8 for a shot on ice is wack.. i read your sasha review, looked like it was the same deal...
                <DiSCO SHiT>


                • Lrn
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Jan 2005
                  • 3233

                  yea a flask in there would be nice, i think thats what im gonna do, order a cup of ice then rock the booze in there.


                  • meinie
                    Fresh Peossy
                    • Jan 2005
                    • 42

                    yeah, no matter how many times i go to RS, i'm always surprised when i don't get searched. guess i've just become used to the ways of 1015.


                    • nubreed000
                      Getting Somewhere
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 158

                      Heh, no club here in Toronto would let you get away with bringing your own booze.
                      The Groove Is In The Air


                      • Garrick
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 6764

                        ^ flasks... they are your best friend.
                        Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?


                        • jeffrey collins
                          Not cool enough
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 7427

                          Now that is a really great read. You could probably do some great writing for i-DJ magazine. As for me it is the best DJ mag out there.

                          Way to go bro!!!
                          Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                          My Painting Blog

                          My Soundcloud page.

