2ManyDJs are now a clubbing institution.
David and Stephen Dewaele have built a reputation for big sets - big in size, sound and scale. Playing to enormous crowds, the Belgian brothers have begun to chafe against the circumstances they find themselves in.
Launching the ambitious new multi-platform project Radio Soulwax, 2ManyDJs are set to stream 24 hour long mixes. Shifting from ambient disco to punk rock, the pair have looted the furthest recesses of their record collection.
Matching these specially prepared mixes with mind blowing visuals, the entire project will take six months to unfold. Moving between platforms, 2ManyDJs aim to launch a series of apps to compliment the forward thinking project.
As a special preview, ClashMusic has acquired the exclusive stream of their brand new mix 'Celestial Voyage'. Chatting to David Dewaele on the phone, the Belgian beatsmith enthused about the new project...
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We started the whole thing in 2009 and we thought then – and still do now – that putting out a compilation CD is not really interesting. It takes ages to clear the tracks, you can only put 60 or 70 minutes on it and the whole thing has a shelf life of like a month or maybe two. We just kept saying ‘no’ but for some weird reason we kept getting more popular without ever releasing anything. It got to the point where we thought, well we really like what we do as 2ManyDJs but there’s so much more to us. There’s different music, different styles, different ways and the other thing was doing this DVD called ‘Part Of The Weekend Never Dies’ - we got quite involved in the visual side. The combination of all those things inspired Radio Soulwax. So we looked at possible internet radio licenses and how that works. In the beginning we thought it would take us six months to do but in the end it took us two and a half years! We kept adding little things, like making an app or adding another app and then there’s the visual side. Every hour had to have a different scene.
I think ever since that DVD it gave us the confidence to start making your own or directing your own things. We’ve always been interested in those things but we maybe didn’t have the confidence to do it. When you’ve been through that process you can see how it all comes together. I guess that we had never seen that before but now it seems easy. We contacted a few animators, a few film people, production people. Before you know it just by pulling in a few favours from people all over the world you can become your own production company.
I guess one of the things we were trying to do was to maybe move away from what we have gradually become. Maybe not move away but add to it. There’s this thing that we do when we headline festivals and play big clubs to a big audience but when you do that – and I think we do it quite well – you give something to people which is quite a specific thing. You really try to make those people go crazy and you can’t really do that with an hour of ballads or space disco. That’s something we’ve tried to do with this radio thing is show a broader scope of music that people have maybe known us to do in the past five years.
This is the second part. We launched the first part as well, and it’s kind of a trip through space. This is the second part of the voyage, if you will, like the continuation. It’s definitely one of my favourite ones. Basically we started out flying through space in a spaceship and the sleeves come towards you and we’ve done this tricky three dimensional thing where we’ve taken these space beasts and you actually fly into them, like a new parallel universe. I personally think it’s really stunning and some of my friends who smoke weed – because I don’t do that – they say that watching it in a darkened room, all by yourself, smoking weed is the biggest trip you can ever have.
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