Show Archive Link: http://www.mcast.mercuryserver.com/?cat=32
> PTE 029 Pt1 - Shiva feat. "Inception" (Special) is an experimental session that envelops a variety of genres within the wide musical spectrum…
Set Link: http://www.mcast.mercuryserver.com/?p=8830
> PTE 029 Pt2 - Cristian Paduraru (Romania)
For this PTE 029 session I am more than proud to host my fellow countryman artist who hails from Romania: Dj/Producer Cristian Paduraru
Set + TL Link: http://www.mcast.mercuryserver.com/?p=8831
> PTE 029 Pt3 - Shiva feat. "Exception" (Special)
“Exception”(Pt3) is a dark progressive old school session…
Set Link: http://www.mcast.mercuryserver.com/?p=8832
* Special Thanks to the amazing Artist (Painter) & friend Maurizio Arcesio for his visual contribution – Website: http://www.artedivino.com