Does anyone know what XM Radio (The Move/BPM/System) channels have planned for the WMC? They had a live broadcast in coordination with ThumpRadio last year.
Anyone else have XM? Do you like the channels provided? Have you made requests for new ones?
I made a request a while back for a full-time downtempo/chill station, and for them to syndicate Transitions on The Move.
I'm sure nothing will come of the requests. Which is one major reason why I love communities like MS. The people maintaining the site are always interested in improving. If you're passionate about the music and just want to enjoy it vs. being a corporate money hoarding capitalist (I'm a free market capitalist - what am I saying?)
Anyway... anyone know the lineup during WMC? Anything good?
Anyone else have XM? Do you like the channels provided? Have you made requests for new ones?
I made a request a while back for a full-time downtempo/chill station, and for them to syndicate Transitions on The Move.
I'm sure nothing will come of the requests. Which is one major reason why I love communities like MS. The people maintaining the site are always interested in improving. If you're passionate about the music and just want to enjoy it vs. being a corporate money hoarding capitalist (I'm a free market capitalist - what am I saying?)

Anyway... anyone know the lineup during WMC? Anything good?