Sasha//James Zabiela//Crobar//NYC//030405//pics.and.vids

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  • miketpoto
    Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
    • Jan 2005
    • 4223

    Sasha//James Zabiela//Crobar//NYC//030405//pics.and.vids

    This is a cut and paste repost from a different thread and part of a reply, but it tells the long and short of the night....

    Who the FUCK was the opener? he looked like the love child of sasha and pvd, and Was so horrible I can't even go into it at all... who's dick did he suck? I'll open for sasha and suck it too, but I never heard a main floor DJ there that I would say "I could have done SO much better no doubts whatsoever".

    THE PEOPLE YOU SPEAK OF... THEY ARE NOT SASHA FANS...THEY ARE BRIDGE AND TUNNEL "lets go "CLUBBING"" bitches who I will briefly say I take no shit from for a split second at all anymore. They cheering you heard was mostly that of the drunken meatheads and you may have noticed the dumb bitches about the club, the ones who don't quite get the concept of their cleavage having no power of the city gay boy, so to speak.... I think at least 20 CUNTS or so blatantly rammed into me, some in groups or "Cunta Lines" in going wherever they damn well wanted to, knocking over whoever they wanted to as well. I didn't resort to violence save for tripping 2 or so after they didn't even bother to try and go around or to the side of me at all, just head on keep walking until I get where I want, THIS IS ON THE DANCEFLOOR no matter where. I had some lovely death looks and words that would serve as a do not enter sign.Drunk couples shouldn't try to tango or ballroom partner dance on a no free space floor, and this isn't rocket science. Never in any club in europe I have ever been to have I ever encountered any noteworthy lack of common courtesy like this, and many other nights before 4am in NYC. I feel defenseless to stop this, but it's making it near impossible to enjoy the music without being barrreled into increasingly, should I allow that to happen? 18+ should include an IQ test (for all ages), it's a fucking joke otherwise.

    James fucking rocked, sasha was great at points, not "working it" too much, but at the end, it was shown by sasha that this was James's night, with great enthusiasm, and love... I said out loud, "wow, he really fucking loves this kid (no condescension intended), look at them." I am in great pain from dancing ALL NIGHT, 10pm to 730am, I couldn't stand still for james main set at all, who could? also, Sasha's 2nd and 3rd tracks of the first set were so beautiful I got the tears welling up immediately, surprised the fuck out of me, but there was a sample that sounded like a crowd of people yelling-slow-motion-like in harmony that slide-panned from back to the front of the dancefloor.... I won't soon forget that one.

    The boys played side by side for a good 45 minutes or more towards the end, "Ruhe"" You'll know my Frequency"-"Mr-Brightside" etc

    I had an amazing night overall, mostly due to some incredible people by my side both old and new. Including the gang that has been ending out sasha and sander every other week together... Just eye contact and smiles and a few instant mutual hugs... (sans e-tard syndrome)... The night wound down and finished with so many smiles, new friendships, 3 COUNTem 3 depeche mode songs played over the night, Sasha - Behind the wheel, JZ - World in my eyes, JZ-Enjoy the silence (final track of final encore @730am)

    a great fuckin.... "thank you" Zabiela had a computer voice say thank you, and then went to town with the sample.

    Mike Mmglobal... Your bud Patrick, and your friend visiting (forgot name), Thank you like you have no idea, for making all the grief and assholes worth every second. I haven't shared those specific wavelengths in eons, and I and excited to have some new great people to get to know..

    in honor of the majority of the crowd, the link is on a fitting domain, as per my usual style..

  • sakio pod
    • Jun 2004
    • 6034

    glad you had a good night.......last time i was there it was hell......i because it was 18&up too many peeps. wanted to kill somebody.


    • miketpoto
      Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
      • Jan 2005
      • 4223

      U have no idea... to top it off at the beginning of the night, and not a bad thing, but there were at least 4, count em' 4 former "tricks" (gay talk for 1 nighters) of mine in the VIP open bar area.... LOL, I haven't been around the block that much to get those kinda results, lol.

      open bar never lasts long enough..


      • sakio pod
        • Jun 2004
        • 6034

        dude that 1st vid i've got the same one(what ever that track is from the feb4th gig) shit is sick

        would love to come up for s&d but it's probably gonna be 18&up......BS


        • minneec
          Getting warmed up
          • Dec 2004
          • 75

          Re: Sasha//James Zabiela//Crobar//NYC//030405//pics.and.vids

          actually i think april 1st is 21 and over. last year, the place was crazy crowded. sure it will be the same again this year...
          thanks for the review, the photos and the vids. helps to relive it...good stuff


          • minneec
            Getting warmed up
            • Dec 2004
            • 75

            and the opener was gaby dershin of astro&glyde. aww i thought he was good, maybe not as opener, but definitely had his own flow.
            astro&glyde tear it up at le souk all the time. give some love to native new york talent


            • miketpoto
              Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
              • Jan 2005
              • 4223

              I think it is 21 too, and hope and pray... last night wasn't actually PACKED as the other rooms were almost empty and the breast-implant-bimbos/gotti-brothers and asian gangs from a forgotten time were all over the dance-floor
              - but then they had 2 white guys spinning hip-hop in either room??? the DJ from the gay pre-party who blew away the opener on the main floor 10,000 times over and again had us all dancing at 10pm, great stuff (and that room has fuckin great sound) he was turned off at 12am for guido attitude hip hop silk shirt dj... and we need the name of the opener on the main floor sothat we can warn others... Or perhaps to help that poor, misguided, extra-chromasomed ear violator. The last thing we need to do in encourage anyone to think it even remotely acceptable for hip hop to be played on the main floor, let alone anywhere, at a dance club..... FIGHT BACK MS!


              • Lrn
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jan 2005
                • 3233

                I had some lovely death looks and words that would serve as a do not enter sign.Drunk couples shouldn't try to tango or ballroom partner dance on a no free space floor, and this isn't rocket science.
                comedy, i hate 18 and over shows now that i recently turned 21 that is


                • miketpoto
                  Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                  • Jan 2005
                  • 4223

                  Originally posted by minneec
                  and the opener was gaby dershin of astro&glyde. aww i thought he was good, maybe not as opener, but definitely had his own flow.
                  astro&glyde tear it up at le souk all the time. give some love to native new york talent
                  HE IS THE ONE that bored me to shit on new years day opening for sander until 3am.... his set was the ultimate DJ sellout, like a fucking "as sold on tv" greatest radio hits of 2004 compilation CD that was all over the place... any time it got remotely headed somewhere he'd pull something like playing the beverly hills cop theme song.

                  let me add this..... an anonymous, highly respected, and multi-talented member of the dance community was in attendance and mortified by the set (my word, not his... just the look on his face, and then choice words/nasuea as a response)

                  He, I, and several others were part of a band of nomads with nowhere to run but crapland, shitville, or to be powerless witnesses to the largest group gathering in history of trannie-hooker/gay-muscle-boy look alikes who still live with their parents get shitfaced and one-up eachother on "aww-yeahs" and as it was best put by another anonymous source...

                  "The 'what were you thinking' File is overflowing tonight"


                  • ZendoBro
                    Mr. Roboto
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 864

                    I envy you! Sounded like a freakin' fantastic night!
                    I am no cyberwhore...


                    • miketpoto
                      Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                      • Jan 2005
                      • 4223

                      Originally posted by ZendoBro
                      I envy you! Sounded like a freakin' fantastic night!
                      And I wasn't afraid to bitch slap anyone who got in the way of that


                      • arielus
                        He's back, in Pog form
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 4281

                        L U C K Y B A S T A R D ! ! ! ! ! !


                        • arielus
                          He's back, in Pog form
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 4281




                          • mmglobal
                            Gold Gabber
                            • Sep 2004
                            • 536

                            ^^Glad miketpoto got to the board before I did...I can't second his thoughts on the evening enough. We went throught the thick of it for the long haul that Friday-Saturday turned out to be. From hanging with the "boys" in VIP, to dancing on the stairs because that's the only place it felt safe, to Crobar throwing out all the rules for the evening, to the i-don't-know-how-many-titty-bitches holding on to me so they wouldn't fall down and actually falling down anyway, to the growing-up-gotti kids late for their train back to L.I., to 3:30 when it all got better...
                            Couldn't stand the opener, it was sooo hard to stay, but "nowhere to run to baby, nowhere to hide." So we stuck it out, me, my friends, and my new friends...Sasha never ceases to amaze me, but somehow James took me beyond what I ever expected. I've never heard him at 5:30 in the morning. He's always opened/played early. He tore the hair off my head and made me dance like the fool I am allllllll niiiiiiite loooooonnngg. The nite really took off for me, when the floor cleared a bit, and the people that were there for the music remained. All in all, an unforgettable set by both of them, but when they threw down together...I can't even explain. I've never heard sound like that. To my new friends: thanks for the great time, great laughs, and dancing all nite. Cheers.
                            Can't wait for 4.01.


                            • miketpoto
                              Shabisquik The Ghetto Queen
                              • Jan 2005
                              • 4223

                              We really earned it, right? WERq

