Occupy Portland

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  • res0nat0r
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • May 2006
    • 14475

    Re: Occupy Portland

    Originally posted by 88Mariner

    well, i'm pretty sure they don't want black people there. i think we can agree on that, right?



    • clintlove
      Hey girl, ya Hungry?
      • Jun 2004
      • 3264

      Re: Occupy Portland

      I don't see what's funny about that Reso... and the Huffington post is pretty far left as well...

      I thought Tea Partiers and Republicans were the racists.

      Most people are either a Democrat by design, or a Democrat by deception. That is either they were well aware of the racist history of the Democratic Party and still chose to be Democrat, or they were deceived into thinking that the Democratic Party is a party that sincerely cares about Black people.

      History reveals that every piece of racist legislation that was ever passed and every racist terrorist attack that was ever inflicted on African Americans, was initiated by members of the Democratic Party. From the formation of the Democratic Party in 1792 to the Civil Rights movement of 1960's, Congressional records show the Democrat Party passed no specific laws to help Blacks, every law that they introduced into Congress was designed to hurt blacks. The chronicles of history shows that during the past 160 years the Democratic Party legislated Jim Crow laws, Black Codes and a multitude of other laws at the state and federal level to deny African Americans their rights as citizens.

      History reveals that the Republican Party was formed in 1854 to abolish slavery and challenge other racist legislative acts initiated by the Democratic Party.

      Some called it the Civil War, others called it the War Between the States, but to the African Americans at that time, it was the War Between the Democrats and the Republicans over slavery. The Democrats gave their lives to expand it, Republican gave their lives to ban it.

      During the Senate debates on the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, it was revealed that members of the Democratic Party formed many terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan to murder and intimidate African Americans voters. The Ku Klux Klan Act was a bill introduced by a Republican Congress to stop Klan Activities. Senate debates revealed that the Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.

      History reveals that Democrats lynched, burned, mutilated and murdered thousands of blacks and completely destroyed entire towns and communities occupied by middle class Blacks, including Rosewood, Florida, the Greenwood District in Tulsa Oklahoma, and Wilmington, North Carolina to name a few.

      After the Civil War, Democrats murdered several hundred black elected officials (in the South) to regain control of the southern government.

      History reveals that it was Thaddeus Stevens, a Radical Republican that introduced legislation to give African Americans the so-called 40 acres and a mule and Democrats overwhelmingly voted against the bill. Today many white Democrats are opposed to paying African Americans trillions of dollars in Reparation Pay, money that should be paid by the Democratic Party.

      History reveals that it was Abolitionists and Radical Republicans such as Henry L. Morehouse and General Oliver Howard that started many of the traditional Black colleges, while Democrats fought to keep them closed. Many of our traditional Black colleges are named after white Republicans.

      Congressional records show it was Democrats that strongly opposed the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. These three Amendments were introduced by Republicans to abolish slavery, give citizenship to all African Americans born in the United States and, give Blacks the right to vote.

      Congressional records show that Democrats were opposed to passing the following laws that were introduced by Republicans to achieve civil rights for African Americans:

      Civil Rights Act 1866
      Reconstruction Act of 1867
      Freedman Bureau Extension Act of 1866
      Enforcement Act of 1870
      Force Act of 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
      Civil Rights Act of 1875
      Civil Rights Act of 1957
      Civil Rights Act of 1960

      And during the 60's many Democrats fought hard to defeat the

      1964 Civil Rights Act
      1965 Voting Rights Acts
      1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act

      Court records show that it was the Democrats that supported the Dred Scott Decision. The decision classified Blacks as property rather than people. It was also the racist Jim Crow practices initiated by Democrats that brought about the two landmark cases of Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v. The Board of Education.

      At the turn of the century (1900), Southern Democrats continued to oppress African Americans by placing thousands in hard-core prison labor camps. According to most historians, the prison camps were far worse than slavery. The prisoners were required to work from 10-14 hours a day, six to seven days a week in temperatures that exceeded 100 degrees and in temperatures that fell well below zero. The camps provided free labor for building railroads, mining coal-mines and for draining snake and alligator invested swamps and rivers. Blacks were transported from one project to another in rolling cages similar to the ones used to transfer circus animals. One fourth of the prison populations were children ages 6 to 18. Young Cy Williams age 12, was sentenced to 20 years for stealing a horse that he was too small to ride. Eight-year old Will Evans was sentenced to 2 years of hard labor for taking some change from a store counter and six-year old Mary Gay was sentenced to 30 days for taking a hat. While authorities sent whites to jail for the same offenses, they sent blacks to the prison camps with much longer sentences. Thousands died from malaria, frost bites, heat strokes, shackle poisoning, others were buried alive in collapsing mines, or blown to pieces in tunnel explosions, and still others drowned in swamps or were beaten and shot to death. Every southern black citizen was a potential prisoner for any alleged small offense, including violating evening curfews. Through the prison camp system, southern owners of railroads, mines and farms had an unlimited source of free labor. The black prisoners played a major role the South's economic development. Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative, said, in his opinion, "the prison camps were a new form of slavery, but far more inhumane."

      History reveals that it was three white persons that opposed the Democrat's racist practices who started the NAACP.

      Dr. Martin Luther King, several Civil Rights leaders and many historians reported that during the first two years of his administration, President John F. Kennedy ignored Dr. King's request for Civil Rights. The chronicles of history reveal that it was only after television coverage of riots and several demonstrations did President Kennedy feel a need to introduce the 1963 Civil Rights Act. At that time, experts believe the nation was headed toward a major race war.

      History reveals that it was Democratic Attorney General, Robert Kennedy that approved the secret wire taps on Dr, Martin Luther King Jr., and it was Democratic President Lyndon Johnson that referred to Dr. King as " that nigger preacher." Senator Byrd referred to Dr. King as a "trouble maker" who causes trouble and then runs like a "coward," when trouble breaks out.

      Over the strong objections of racist Republican Senator Jessie Helms, Republican President Ronald Reagan, signed into law, a bill to make Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday a national holiday. Several Republican Senators convinced President Reagan this was the right thing to do.

      Congressional records show after signing the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act and issuing Executive Order 11478, Richard Nixon, a Republican, that started what we know as Affirmative Action.

      On December 15, 1994, federal Judge David V. Kenyon issued a court order to the Clinton Administration in the Case of Fairchild v Robert Reich Secretary of Labor (#CV92-5765 Kn). The order demanded that Secretary Reich and the Clinton Administration force 100 west coast shipping companies to develop an Affirmative Action plan to stop discrimination against, African Americans, Hispanics, females and disabled workers. Female employees were being sexually harassed, Hispanics were being denied promotions and training, disabled workers were being laid off, and African Americans were being forced to work in an environment where they had job classifications called " Nigger Jobs." Clinton left office six years later and never complied with the court order. The companies still do not have an Affirmative Action Plan.

      President Clinton sent 20, 000 troops to protect the white citizens of Europe's Bosnia, but sent no troops to Africa's Rwanda to protect the black citizens there. Consequently over 800,000 Africans were massacred.

      During the 2003 Democratic Primary debates, the Rev. Al Sharpton, said the Democrats take the black vote for granted and treat African Americans like a mistress. They [Democrats} will take us to the dance, but they don't want to take us home to meet mama."

      On December 3, 2002, President Clinton spoke to the Democratic Leadership Council in New York regarding the future of the Democratic Party and how they could retake the White House. At no time did he address Civil Rights issues for blacks or doing things to improve the conditions of African Americans. His only reference to Civil Rights was Civil Rights for Gays. His only reference to improving communities was his recommendation to revisit the Marshall Plan to re-build communities in other countries. His entire speech was aired on C-Span.

      After exclusively giving the Democrats their votes for the past 25 years, the average African American cannot point to one piece of civil rights legislation sponsored solely by the Democratic Party that was specifically designed to eradicate the unique problems that African Americans face today. Congressional records show that all previous legislation (since 1964) had strong bi-partisan support, even though some Democrats debated and voted against these laws.

      After reviewing all of the evidence, many believe America would have never experienced racism to the degree that it has, had not the Democrats promoted it through:

      Racist Legislation
      Terrorist Organizations
      Negative Media Communications
      Bias Education
      Relentless Intimidation
      And Flawed Adjudication.

      The racism established and promoted by members of the Democratic Party affected and infected the entire nation from 1856 with the Dred Scott decision, to the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case. But they never offered or issued an apology.

      Today, both parties must remember their past. The Democrats must remember the terrible things they did to Blacks and apologize and the Republicans must remember the terrific things they did for Blacks and re-commit to complete the work that their predecessors started and died for.

      Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.



      • res0nat0r
        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
        • May 2006
        • 14475

        Re: Occupy Portland

        She mad because not enough black people are represented at the current rallies? Humm...well go get out there and start standing around with signs. And iPods. And iPads. And cellphones.


        • floridaorange
          I'm merely a humble butler
          • Dec 2005
          • 29116

          Re: Occupy Portland

          Originally posted by 88Mariner

          well, i'm pretty sure they don't want black people there. i think we can agree on that, right?
          "they don't want black people?"

          There are a variety of reasons why people of color who have been deeply affected by the economic downturn have not showed up in large numbers in Zuccotti Park, said Andrew Grant-Thomas, deputy director at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State University. Among other things, the Institute produces research on the role that race plays in shaping the economic condition of individuals and families.

          It was fun while it lasted...


          • floridaorange
            I'm merely a humble butler
            • Dec 2005
            • 29116

            Re: Occupy Portland

            It was fun while it lasted...


            • floridaorange
              I'm merely a humble butler
              • Dec 2005
              • 29116

              Re: Occupy Portland

              It was fun while it lasted...


              • vinnie97
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jul 2007
                • 3454

                Re: Occupy Portland

                Wealth redistribution in action, baby: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/m...#ixzz1b8RhMN5C

                “Stealing is our biggest problem at the moment,” said Nan Terrie, 18, a kitchen and legal-team volunteer from Fort Lauderdale.

                “I had my Mac stolen -- that was like $5,500. Every night, something else is gone. Last night, our entire [kitchen] budget for the day was stolen, so the first thing I had to do was . . . get the message out to our supporters that we needed food!”
                Be careful what you wish for and with whom you associate.


                • floridaorange
                  I'm merely a humble butler
                  • Dec 2005
                  • 29116

                  Re: Occupy Portland

                  This made me lol:

                  It was fun while it lasted...


                  • floridaorange
                    I'm merely a humble butler
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 29116

                    Re: Occupy Portland


                    nteresting coming from a former wall street guy... pay attention to the last few mins of this interview.

                    It was fun while it lasted...


                    • Huggie Smiles
                      Anyone have Styx livesets?
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 11837

                      Re: Occupy Portland

                      Originally posted by floridaorange
                      pay attention to the last few mins of this interview.
                      you cant tell me what to do!
                      ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....


                      • Jenks
                        I'm kind of a big deal.
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 10250

                        Re: Occupy Portland

                        Real solutions:

                        1. Reinstate Glass-Steagall.
                        America went off track when Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, and Alan Greenspan convinced President Clinton to let investment banks and commercial banks live under one roof. That was wrong. Bring it back and separate them again.

                        2. Force Goldman Sachs (GS), Morgan Stanley (MS) and other investment banks to go private. At the same time that Glass-Steagall was repealed, Goldman and Morgan were going public. They will never say this but it’s obvious their cultures changed when they switched from a private partnership to a public company. Proprietary trading became extremely important. The partners got a lot richer. Yet, the financial world also got a lot less stable. They should go private again.

                        3. Put some teeth into the Volcker Rule to prevent banks from doing proprietary trading. The rule is still not defined and lacking in the teeth that Volcker originally wanted. Obama has deferred too long to Geithner on this. It’s time to start letting the old guy call the shots and let the chips fall — just as happened in 1980 when he hiked interest rates. Imagine how the blogosphere would have belly-ached back then had it been around.

                        4. Announce a plan for housing. Obama hasn’t said anything about housing because it’s complex and doesn’t lend itself to soundbite answers. But, he cannot continue to say nothing. He’s got to outline what the heck he’s doing here.

                        5. Bring the Ryan Bill back to the Senate for a vote on China Currency Manipulation. That famous pinko, commie, hippie scum, hedge fund legend Paul Tudor Jones, said last year that the US has tacked on an extra 1.6% to the unemployment rate due to its non-response to the Chinese intervening in their yuan exchange rate. He supported the Ryan Bill that passed the house “which would allow US companies to file complaints against China’s currency policies with the Commerce Department, and would empower the Department to levy tariffs and countervailing duties on imports from China.” However, the bill never made it to the floor of the Senate for a vote, because the Chamber of Commerce quashed it. Tudor Jones makes that point that, since the Chinese government devalued the yuan by 50% in 1994, over 6 million American manufacturing jobs have been lost and 12 million Chinese manufacturing jobs have been created. Tudor Jones isn’t against free trade but wants fair trade.

                        6. Shut down ultra-leveraged ETFs. These instruments serve no use, except for the ETF companies selling them. They also make the market inherently more unstable. Shut ‘em down.

                        7. Fund the Securities and Exchange Commission. Most Occupy Wall Street protesters aren’t anti-capitalism, as some on Fox News have said. They want free markets with rules. How can the primary regulator of the markets function without a budget?

                        8. Push Education, including reforming crushing student debt loads. Look at the unemployment rates of those with and without college degrees. It’s pretty clear that America needs well-educated people in the future in order to compete against the emerging markets cheap cost of labor. But how are we going to do it? When was the last time you heard a plan on education from the President or any other politician. Old people vote; young people don’t. So education has been ignored and we’ve gotten Medicare Part D instead. There needs to be a plan. That wild-eyed socialist Mark Cuban – who sold his company for $6 billion to Yahoo! (YHOO) – has called for student debt to be limited to $2,000 by the time they graduate from college. So, all the for-profit colleges like University of Phoenix (APOL) would go bust or have to adapt. Good.

                        9. Push a transaction tax. Again, this is Mark Cuban’s idea: a quarter per share. The financial industry lobby will argue that the trades will go offshore. Cuban counters by saying so will the risk.

                        10. Make management and directors of banks personally liable for losses. They do this in Switzerland. Kyle Bass calls it their “give a shit” factor. Why can’t we do it here?

                        11. Make it transparent which large mutual funds, pension funds, and other passive institutional investors are re-electing lackey boards. People always ask me: how is it that the boards of HP (HPQ) and Yahoo! keep getting reelected each year? Let’s make these big passive mutual funds, ETFs, and pension funds accountable. Force them to show how they vote. Let’s put the names of the ones who supported Enron on Milk Carton boxes. And let’s name specific people, not just the big amorphous names.

                        12. Let any shareholder – of any size – nominate up to 3 seats on a corporate board to be elected by all shareholders. Only companies can nominate directors – unless you spend $1 million to run a proxy contest. Why shouldn’t any shareholder be able to nominate up to 3 directors to a board each year? After all, the shareholders get the final say on which people get elected. If there 10 spots, allow 13 names on the proxy to be voted on. Trust shareholders to make the right choice.


                        • clintlove
                          Hey girl, ya Hungry?
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 3264

                          Re: Occupy Portland

                          The greed and corruption of bankers (and auto unions – who I notice the occupiers aren’t mad at) was made possible by the greed and corruption of Congress egged on by Obama. Walter Williams had a brilliant insight: why aren’t democrats demonizing Hollywood celebrities or top athletes (who make many times as much money as a bank or any other executive)? Because you demonize those you want to replace. Politicians can’t replace actors or athletes, but liberal politicians are gunning to take over running all the large corporations.

                          Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.



                          • res0nat0r
                            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                            • May 2006
                            • 14475

                            Re: Occupy Portland

                            Because Brad Pitt didn't steal billions of dollars from the citizens of the USA?


                            • floridaorange
                              I'm merely a humble butler
                              • Dec 2005
                              • 29116

                              Re: Occupy Portland

                              Originally posted by res0nat0r
                              Because Brad Pitt didn't steal billions of dollars from the citizens of the USA?
                              neither does Shaq

                              It was fun while it lasted...


                              • Shpira
                                Angry Boy Child
                                • Oct 2006
                                • 4969

                                Re: Occupy Portland

                                Paul Tudor Jones = one of my idols
                                The Idiots ARE Winning.

                                "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                                Mark Twain

                                SOBRIETY MIX

