HARRY AVERS presents
Noice! - Episode 248 Special Case (Culprit)

This is a Mix that originally appeared on our Radio show last week. we are proud to present Special Case on Culprit. Special Case is a new project from three Russian (-ish) producers, that came together like all the great collectives before them (Voltron, Justice League, The Police) to create awesome music and to fight the forces of evil around the world. The band (yeah we're a band) includes members: Arram Mantana, Tripmastaz and Rust. These are established producers and experienced selectors from St.Petersburg, Russia and (now) Detroit, USA. We'd love to tell you more about them, but that's boring, so we'll let the music speak for now. Catch our debut release on the super awesome Culprit records from LA in October!
Podcast home: http://noice.podomatic.com
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Noice! - Episode 248 Special Case (Culprit)

This is a Mix that originally appeared on our Radio show last week. we are proud to present Special Case on Culprit. Special Case is a new project from three Russian (-ish) producers, that came together like all the great collectives before them (Voltron, Justice League, The Police) to create awesome music and to fight the forces of evil around the world. The band (yeah we're a band) includes members: Arram Mantana, Tripmastaz and Rust. These are established producers and experienced selectors from St.Petersburg, Russia and (now) Detroit, USA. We'd love to tell you more about them, but that's boring, so we'll let the music speak for now. Catch our debut release on the super awesome Culprit records from LA in October!
Podcast home: http://noice.podomatic.com
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