This Saturdays Move....

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  • Kamal
    • May 2002
    • 28835

    This Saturdays Move....

    Ok now that another MAJOR move is gonna take place on MS (especially in light of us about to go live with MS+ becoming a more mainstream station, the merge sort of has become even more essential so that all those who have NOT signed up on the sister sites will have easier access to the FTP / Radio related info.....

    Primarily, the move will involve setting up a forum from scratch..... not in terms of having an empty DB but just features (MODS so to speak). No Hide avatars / signatures, or smileys or games or none of that will be here..... heck I'll be happy if I get the downloads up asap. That is one of the most critical parts of the site and is the second largest area of the database.....

    all the mods will obviously return to the site.... just on a first come first need to include basis..... the key ones will be in here pronto......


    Take a peek around your account and check out the mods which have been added and you use on a regular basis. Please dont post that info in here, its just for you to know what is there on the site and what you use so that when we return and ONLY AFTER WE START TAKING REQUESTS, you can post in the designated forum what needs to be bought back and what ISN'T working as desired....

    Take a look into the history of your posts, 100% of your posts from MS will be imported to the new site. But, since nothing is perfect and I know about as much about this mod than I do about the atom bomb, importing posts from the sister sites might just be a little less than perfect. If you are on the other sites.... do the same there i.e. take a look at your posts counts and posts....

    Usergroups will be bought back slowly so all of you might not see the downloads instantly, the Radio station WILL stay up for your entertainment.


    (Acquaint yourself, dont PM any mods or admins asking for help because there's a bucket load of work that needs to be done. However you can help out with the following to begin with).

    The MOST critical part, LOOK AROUND AND SEE THE NEW CHANGES. Dont start posting questions. The site in its entirety will be humongous and the team will be doing their best to logically setup the forums / help sections / etc. on the site.

    Check your post counts and older posts from the different sites. See if they have all made it in here. I noticed on my first attempt that I suddenly had someone else's posts but on my second attempt at importing stuff, things went near perfect. Though I didn't import ME and MM, just importing MP and MS was flawless....

    DJ's and Producers on MP who have posted their singles etc might need to repost them here. I will do my best at trying to bring them here although the sheer size of the import including the number of features that need to be imported in here will take precedence over a lot of the other things that members can actually help out with......

    if you are a DJ or a Producer who has posted their BIO on MP and you notice that it hasnt made the transition, please dont feel shy to post it again however I URGE YOU to search for your missing information before you post a new one. Chances are its under someone else's name and by telling us you have found it, team members can delete it from the other persons post list.....

    The URL of the site will change forever. We will now become MercuryNation and all the sub sites will be listed under the forum index. The URL's of all the sites will point to the forum index in the beginning and once a little while has passed and everyone gets comfortable around the site, the URL's will start pointing to the appropriate forums.

    A comprehensive HELP guide would be put in place so if there is something that you need help with.

    I will do my best to import the FTP group so that members who are on the FTP can continue to use the facilities without delay.

    Since MS is the site that we will be using as the battleground to import everything onto, you might not see your PM's and POLLS from MP / ME.

    Be sure to check your ranks as well. There are a few fuck ups being noticed on the forum since the last 24 hour downtime and while the ranks issue has not been fixed, its very likely that the error will move over to the new site too.

    One of the biggest reasons to setup the merged forum is ease of navigation. We have found a few more additions that will make the forum very easy to navigate and we hope that it helps all those venture into the playgrounds that most were lazy to venture into.

    See you guys on the new site....

    -- 1000 HOURS NYC TIME


    Jib says:
    he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
    Originally posted by ace_dl
    Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
    I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me
  • asdf_admin
    i use to be important
    • Jun 2004
    • 12798

    Re: This Saturdays Move....

    dead, yet alive.


    • peloquin
      Till I Come!
      • Jun 2004
      • 8643

      Re: This Saturdays Move....

      i second that, anything i can do, consider it done


      • TomTom
        Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
        • May 2002
        • 16206

        Re: This Saturdays Move....

        Merge the sites over the weekend and let me know when you are done... that would help.


        • Steve Graham
          DJ Jelly
          • Jun 2004
          • 12887

          Re: This Saturdays Move....

          Originally posted by TomTom
          Merge the sites over the weekend and let me know when you are done... that would help.
          I'm on it!


          • Kobe
            I wish I had an interesting User title
            • Jun 2004
            • 2589

            Re: This Saturdays Move....

            Good luck, I hope it goes smoothly. All you hard work is really appreciated, this is a great site, and I'm sure it will be even better once things get back to normal.
            Beats are my crack.


            • Weizy
              MCast Resident DJ
              • Jun 2004
              • 3225

              Re: This Saturdays Move....

              thanks E!

              over and out...


              • dtgunslinger
                Addiction started
                • Nov 2004
                • 352

                Re: This Saturdays Move....

                Ok, should make all of your hair turn grey and fall out. Good luck and may the EDM Gods smile on you.
                Not living my life to see if I get into heaven or hell, just how long I'll have to spend in purgatory.


                • Morgan
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 2234

                  Re: This Saturdays Move....

                  Good work Fella. please shout if you need assitance.
                  "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


                  • peloquin
                    Till I Come!
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 8643

                    Re: This Saturdays Move....

                    Originally posted by TomTom
                    Merge the sites over the weekend and let me know when you are done... that would help.
                    unome's on it!


                    • TomTom
                      Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
                      • May 2002
                      • 16206

                      Ok so we are done with the basics and back. There are a lot of modifications missing which will be added over the weekend but the Forums are open again. Feel free to report broken links if you find some and if your rank is wrong let either Encryption or me know and we fix it. Please explore the different Forums and try to post your questions accordingly like for expample post Computer questions on Mercuryengine and Prodcuer issues on Mercurypromote from now on. Thanks in advance.


                      • ate
                        Fresh Peossy
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 44

                        there's something wrong here.. it says "This board has no forums".


                        • TomTom
                          Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
                          • May 2002
                          • 16206

                          Where do you see that?


                          • barkup
                            Gold Gabber
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 726

                            yeah i got that too.

                            Had to get in through that lastest message on the front page, then at the top of the page where it says general nonsense.
                            The world was a mess but his hair was perfect


                            • Steve Graham
                              DJ Jelly
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 12887

                              Originally posted by TomTom
                              Where do you see that?
                              whenever you sign in and at the home page, click on forums, it says this board has no forums, and then all the links above
                              Forum Index [ms] - MercuryServer [mp] - MercuryPromote
                              [me] - MercuryEngine [mm] MercuryModded
                              say the same

