*patiently awaits the swarm of paultards to enter thread*
Ron Paul is a kook
Ron Paul is a kook
you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I somewhere....in the corners of your mind....
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Re: Ron Paul is a kook
One of the healthiest 78-year-olds I've ever seen, must not be too kooky as to let his health deteriorate.
So...I take it you want bidness as usual in the form of Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Herman Cain or, even worse, Newt Gingrich, who he slammed pretty succinctly with the new ad if I say so myself. Things sure as fuck won't improve with the current occupying fraud who is supposedly some kind of genius.
Paultards, eh? I really like you, Mariner, but that earns you a spot at least at the bottom of my shitlist. -10 points for you. We all saw what happened in 2008 when we let the establishment choose the candidate(s).
Things are pretty abysmal when someone who prizes the constitution above all else is deemed a kook (not a surprise from rezzy) even by those on the right. Dismantling monstrously inefficient govt. institutions (Dept of Miseducation) isn't kooky, it's common sense. Wanting to avoid a pre-emptive strike against Iran and starting more costly Middle Eastern wars/occupations isn't kooky, it's common sense. Auditing the private activity of the FED, which has a direct impact on public debt and economic conditions on the ground, isn't kooky, it's common sense.
By extension, all of you are calling the Armed Forces kooky (out of all candidates, he receives the most monetary support from US Military). You'd better hope these kooky bastards won't follow any anti-constitutional orders to fire on US civilians when the time comes.
Kooky fuck even saw the housing collapse coming from 100 miles away: http://paulitifact.com/2011/07/08/cl...ousing-bubble/Comment
Re: Ron Paul is a kook
That sentence lacked any modicum of sense (why did I click view post? Morbid curiosity).
You don't even like Jon Huntsman?
Yes, Herman should get on the libshit enslavement plantation train already. Damn that fucker for being as succesful as he has been and daring to run for President. Becoming a community agitator and faux constitutional scholar makes someone infinitely more qualified to hold that position.
I want to shoot myself in the head whenever I engage you in opposition on here.Comment
Re: Ron Paul is a kook
Not sure what dumb shit you've said above actually means, but he is a fucking idiot for having an affair and thinking that it wouldn't have been sniffed out within weeks of him ever being in the limelight. What a total jackass.
If this turns out to be false, or if he doesn't resign tomorrow, etc I'll take my words back. But from what I see now, he is fucked and it looks to be true. And good riddance because he is an idiot for even trying to run for Pres with that type of idiocy going on in his life.Comment
Re: Ron Paul is a kook
I apologize on Herman...dude's story is getting murkier as he wobbles and wavers: http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Electio...oward-quitting
I also think someone is out to draw blood, but this is something he should've been upfront about. Politicians can't expect to have private lives in this tabloid era. That includes O'Commie and his shady Chicago dealings (including the 3 homos who all mysteriously died at the church he attended).Comment
Re: Ron Paul is a kook
LulZ. You know no one takes you seriously when you say shit like this right? The first 2/3ds of your post were good, then you just drove straight off the track, and into the ditch. In Crazytown.Comment
Re: Ron Paul is a kook
And two-time call boy Larry Sinclair. That guy sure has a vivid (explicit) imagination.
Tell me, why doesn't anyone take this lady seriously or ask questions about her accusations on a national platform?
“Norma Jean Young, mother of the MURDERED Donald Young Speaks Out: Mother Affirms What Is Written In Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?
Norma Jean Young speaks out about the murder of her son, Donald Young, former Choir director of Obama’s Church Trinity United in Chicago. Mrs. Young “What was the cause of my son’s death? I’m very suspicious that it may have been related to Obama.” “Donald and Obama were close friends.”
Asked who benefited from a cover-up, Norma says, “it could be anyone, including Obama.”
There is more from Donald’s mother that everyone should read.”
Notice how every bit of attention was given to these hussies that said they'd been banged by Herman, but no one in the mainstream media (which reaches the imbecilic masses) bothered to post about Larry Sinclair's accusations. Is it because he's a crazy white man trying to ruin the great leader? Double standards galore. Of course, if you're a black man who claims a conservative ideology, leftist shits treat you like your dick has been swinging towards every white orifice that has graced your doorway. With Clinton, it was cool...the bitches were asking for it! Fuck me with a disintegrating rusty iron.
Here's Larry Sinclair's site: http://www.larrysinclair.org/
Please go look...he comments on political developments of the day as well, including those of Herman Cain, so this proves he's not partisan and you'd better pay attention to his expose' about O'Commie before it's too late (and you vote for that lying douche again).Comment
Re: Ron Paul is a kook
its could always be sarah palin
seriously though if she were to get in i'd emigrate to the moon or maybe mars because she might be able to reach the moonComment
Re: Ron Paul is a kook
No one is paying attention to that white boy because he is just another dumbshit making up nonsense.
The Duluth, Minn., resident is the sort of figure who appears at the margins of every presidential campaign, and both Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton had their own obscure accusers with dramatic allegations. But as the old media ignores him, Sinclair has taken full advantage of the Internet, and a video in which he makes his claims that have been viewed more than 900,000 times on YouTube.
Sinclair's biography, though, may get in the way of that pitch: Public records and court filings reveal that he has a 27-year criminal record, with a specialty in crimes involving deceit. The record includes forgery charges in two states, one of which drew Sinclair a 16-year jail sentence. The Pueblo County, Colo., Sheriff's Office also has an outstanding warrant for Sinclair's arrest for forging an acquaintance's signature and stealing her tax refunds.
In other news this crazy chick seems to have gotten olde Herman to quit running for Pres: http://www.cnn.com/2011/12/03/electi...html?hpt=hp_t1
Maybe there is some truth to that? Ya think if whiteboy actually had real stories to tell he would be paid attention to? Maybe? Ya.Comment
Re: Ron Paul is a kook
I am too conspiracy-minded (blame the interwebs, though I actually can go back much further to know not to trust the govt. and that relates to the JFK assassination) to think there's nothing to the story, but there is every chance he's just as much of a deceitful douchebag. Too many loose ends (no pun intended) in Chicago for me to rule anything out.Comment
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