I'm not afraid to say it, especially since the shoe fits:
Ginger White, A Shameless Golddigger
Re: Ginger White, A Shameless Golddigger
I question the veracity of her claims, akin to you questioning those of Larry Sinclair (yes, he has a "criminal record" that makes him look suspect, but one doesn't need an official criminal record to be a liar).Comment
Re: Ginger White, A Shameless Golddigger
I'm going to say...claims r good yo. Homeslice wouldn't have ended his campaign if it was just a bunch of nutjobs. Notice all of the total morons you cite who think Obama is a dirty foreign bastard? Yeah, still in office. Wonder why? Oh yeah they are dumbshits and have no real evidence.Comment
Re: Ginger White, A Shameless Golddigger
Plenty of circumstantial evidence at least but no one in power will look at it, Rezzy, because we have a defacto dictator and the power structure is in too deep to change course. It may take until 2012 before you figure that out, but the awakening will definitely be rude. Sherrif Joe Arpaio (the guy in AZ who remembers we have immigration laws unlike the majority of the useless fucks in power who don't heed them or attempt to circumvent them as a means to yield more votes or procure more cheap labor) is the latest to take the fight to get O'Commie to release the microfilm of his BC as opposed to the forgeries that are supposedly from official HI records.
I'm not buying any of what comes from the admin or its cronies because your black Jesus and his merry band of Chicago misfits is one of the most deceitful clans to ever populate the White House. Even so, the BC topic has been a sideshow when there's another more pertinent contestable fact that even the usurper inadvertently admitted on his website (archive.org providing the truth on the matter), and that is his lack of natural born citizenship status.
That crazy organization, the Liberty Legal Foundation (because tyranny is what's for dinner, right?) is also taking the fight to Arizona: http://www.icontact-archive.com/FEgd...O9T0xTqPxW?w=4
Our motion is as simple as a motion can be. It asserts one uncontested fact and one legal definition, which is quoted directly from the Supreme Court. Our only argument for this motion is this: Obama’s father was never a U.S. citizen and the Supreme Court has defined “natural-born citizen” to be a person with two U.S. citizen-parents. This leaves the Democratic party only two options: Argue that Obama’s father was a U.S. citizen, or argue that the Supreme Court definition of natural-born citizen isn’t what it clearly is. They will NOT argue the former. They will argue the latter. This means that we will be exactly where we want to be: arguing what the definition of natural-born citizen is under the U.S. Constitution. This is the argument we want to have.
Some may ask why we aren't addressing the birth certificate or the social security number or the various other inconsistencies in Obama's history and documentation. The reason is that confusion is the primary tool of legal defendants. If the defense can bring up a myriad of facts and legal jargon to confuse the issue, they win. If we raise every issue that is out there, the defendants will focus on our weakest argument and move the debate to their advantage. We want to control the argument and focus the Court to the major and most clear issue - the fact that Obama is not a "natural born citizen" by his own admission.
I'm sure the constitutional scholar-in-chief has lawyered up and our tax monies are bringing the best defense fiat money can buy.Comment
Re: Ginger White, A Shameless Golddigger
You didn't address one of my points (and you never have touched on those subjects), as is typical. We'll see who the idiot is in short order.
In short, the constitution doesn't mean shit to you. I know Bush set a precedent here of constitutional disrespect, but you should try a little harder.
The facts remain:
1) You're not a natural born citizen, you're not eligible to run for Presidency (again, what's that got to do with race?). I have a problem with rabble-rousing, Alinksy-following, bottom-up, top-down class warfare idiots like your black Jesus no matter their skin color (he's only 1/8th black and doesn't even identify with African-Americans). My problem lies in the continued efforts of his ilk to circumvent, pollute and destroy the American way of life. I can hold this view and simultaneously understand that he's being used as a puppet on an international banker string.
2) Congress cannot compel you to buy a private product simply because you walk upon this earth. That flies in the face of what this country USED to be about and its former adherence to the constitution.
Good day, not gonna' read any more of your brainwashed detritus.Comment
Re: Ginger White, A Shameless Golddigger
Blah blah blah. Microfilm? Is this the fucking Kennedy assassination? This foreigner shit is over with and it just makes you look like a racist fool. Keep it up though. I feel the butthurt brewing inside you and it is entertaining.Comment
Re: Ginger White, A Shameless Golddigger
Yes, 3 supposed birth certificates (2 short forms and the more recent long form), all with a myriad of inconsistencies pointed out by racists (more like watchdogs to a sane person). Keep deflecting.Comment
Re: Ginger White, A Shameless Golddigger
Actually, no, Trump is back on the horn about the murky history of the CiC: http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=374625
I think he's a self-aggrandizing egotistical whore, but that doesn't change the fact that he's correct.Comment
Re: Ginger White, A Shameless Golddigger
i haven't seen her golddigger certificate, so i can't exactly conclude that she is one.you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
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