Ron Paul loses online poll
Ron Paul loses online poll
you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I the corners of your mind....
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Re: Ron Paul loses online poll
But Reddit has a e-boner that Ron Paul is ahead in South Dakota right now. Doesn't this mean he will win the White House and 90 days after that we will all be getting million dollar checks from the government? -
Re: Ron Paul loses online poll
Yes, because we all need Newt instead, a bitch-banging wife cheater (the chief executive seat should be held by someone who can be trusted, just for once) a self-admitted Wilsonian (the FED reserve sell-off happened on his watch), a proponent of amnesty (because it worked so swimmingly well in the 80s) and a firm believer that the constitution needs to be "radically changed and a new system of government invented" (as espoused by the book for which he wrote a forward, Creating a New Civilization; also listed at as one of Newt's essential reads).
A quote from said book:
“For the system of government you fashioned including the very principles on which you based it, is increasingly obsolete, and hence increasingly, if inadvertently, oppressive and dangerous to our welfare. It must be radically changed and a new system of government invented, a democracy for the 21st century. For this wisdom, above all, I thank Mr. Jefferson who helped create the system that served us so well for so long, and that now must, in its turn, die and be replaced.”Comment
Re: Ron Paul loses online poll
I wasn't responding to you specifically but commenting on the results of the poll, but you also don't see the value in Ron Paul, the first Pres candidate to whom I've ever donated. Go ahead, call me a kooky cockfucker.Comment
Re: Ron Paul loses online poll
It's kooky cockknocker.
Ron Paul is decent, I think Reddit and the internet have an e-boner for him and keep parroting how he will change the world in 90 days because they like a couple of his positions, ie war and pot. But he's too fukin crazy on everything else, like getting gov't out of EVERYTHING, which isn't even remotely smart.Comment
Re: Ron Paul loses online poll
I prefer cockfucker, thank you very fucking much.
Guess what. Govt. entanglements in EVERYTHING is one giant reason we're in such a mess (i.e. the housing bubble, which he rightly predicted a decade before it exploded). His debt reduction disposal doesn't cut all departments, just the ones that have become gigantic and ineffectual beyond belief (EPA and DOE being the biggest pile of dung heap govt. agencies today).
Anyway, you don't understand his broad support if you think it's *only* his positions on war and drugs.Comment
Re: Ron Paul loses online poll
The internet loves him because they have no idea how the US government works. They think one guy who has been harping on a few issues they agree with for a long time can come in Lone Ranger style and change the world. Guess what? It won't matter for shit.
Example: It isn't because Obama is a two timing foreign son of a bitch that Gitmo is still open, It is because Congress denied him the funds to do it:
One person isn't going to change Washington, plain and simple. If anyone thinks otherwise, they are either being naive, or have no clue how the government in this country actually works. So I agree with you that gov't entangles everything, but one dude isn't going to magically fix it. The whole system has to be fixed. And good luck on that unfortunately...Comment
Re: Ron Paul loses online poll
lol, ok, well, I'm glad we're on sorta the same page (for once or twice). At least I'm trying to stand behind a candidate who will have some semblance of power (even if only with veto) as an executive. Closing Gitmo would entail transporting those insurgents, freedom fighters, what have you, to some place in the US proper. It's no surprise the way that vote went given the reasoning behind the vote (who wants these rejects in their own backyard?). I'm not making a value judgement but I certainly understand the perspective. Unfortunately, that's what the war on terror has wrought...infinite complications and continual blowback from wild-ass decisions made over the last 30 some odd years.Comment
Re: Ron Paul loses online poll
It's kooky cockknocker.
Ron Paul is decent, I think Reddit and the internet have an e-boner for him and keep parroting how he will change the world in 90 days because they like a couple of his positions, ie war and pot. But he's too fukin crazy on everything else, like getting gov't out of EVERYTHING, which isn't even remotely could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I the corners of your mind....
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