No. 13 has lived up to its reputation. Gigging, label and radio commitments
have monopolized Add2Basket’s time, delaying his ability to deliver the
quality instalment he demands from himself each and every time. Fingers
crossed we’ll have something fresh from him next week to help everyone
deal with those post-holiday blues.
But The Rogue Show must go on, because if those Mayan’s are on
the money, we want to go out in a deep groove.
Subscribe via PodOmatic at therogueshow.com or through iTunes.
So… just in time for your New Year’s Eve jams, Luke Fair holds down
the fort for your favourite progressive house podcast. It’s been an
incredible year for Luke. With new management and a new level of
inspiration, he’s been on fire in the booth and studio.
Live sets circulated from Club Slovenia and Toronto proves he’s still
one of the best club DJs on the planet. His consistent flow of promo
sets continue to have fans entertained for hours on end and his ever-
growing collection of original and remix production solidify Luke
as one of the most well-rounded talents in the underground.
2012 is shaping up to be another phenomenal campaign with Luke set
to release another handful of sensational tracks and of course he’ll
most certainly be performing in a nightclub near you. Just do yourself
a favour and be there when he is.
Big thanks to Zack Milosevich of CtrlStudio for the killa design.
The Rogue Show - Episode 013 - Luke Fair
A lot of melody in this one with some old school house vibes thrown in
for good measure. I've also included a couple new productions of mine.
Happy New Year everyone!
