Re: Firewall Breached: Judge Says 0bama Must Prove NBC Eligibility To Be On GA Ballo
They couldn't even provide PHOTO evidence of Bin Laden who you might remember was said to be in or near end-stage kidney disease YEARS ago. Who knew they had state-of-the-art dialysis in Afghanistan?
Seal Team 6's shootout of the sky was VERY convenient since that leaves no one to corroborate the corrupt govt's story, but you go right on believing everything these corrupt power whores shove down your throat.
They couldn't even provide PHOTO evidence of Bin Laden who you might remember was said to be in or near end-stage kidney disease YEARS ago. Who knew they had state-of-the-art dialysis in Afghanistan?
Seal Team 6's shootout of the sky was VERY convenient since that leaves no one to corroborate the corrupt govt's story, but you go right on believing everything these corrupt power whores shove down your throat.