Firewall Breached: Judge Says 0bama Must Prove NBC Eligibility To Be On GA Ballot

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  • res0nat0r
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • May 2006
    • 14475

    Re: Firewall Breached: Judge Says 0bama Must Prove NBC Eligibility To Be On GA Ballo

    Following the hearing on January 26, and after reviewing briefs presented on behalf of plaintiffs alleging that Barack Obama is not a “natural born citizen” under the Constitution and therefore ineligible to run for President in the state of Georgia, administrative hearing Judge Michael Malihi (left) rejected those allegations.He tossed the allegations presented by lawyer Orly Taitz that Obama fraudulently obtained social security numbers, forged his Hawaiian birth certificate, and did not “otherwise possess valid U.S. identification papers,” holding that the witnesses whom Taitz presented were neither “reliable” nor of any “probative” value (evidence that is useful to prove something important in a court of law), and found their “ be…wholly insufficient to support [Taitz’s] allegations.”


    • vinnie97
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jul 2007
      • 3454

      Re: Firewall Breached: Judge Says 0bama Must Prove NBC Eligibility To Be On GA Ballo

      I'm sure you're gloating at the turn of events, but whatever. The false appeals to authority, the incessant sidestepping by most of the judicial system (concerning the proper definition of an NBC and who, exactly, is eligible to run for the Presidency), etc. is nothing new. The stonewalling story has been the same for 4 years. So gloat all you want while the dictator-lite continues to overstep his constitutional bounds (on another note, at least the Catholics finally awakened from their socialist statist stupor).


      • res0nat0r
        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
        • May 2006
        • 14475

        Re: Firewall Breached: Judge Says 0bama Must Prove NBC Eligibility To Be On GA Ballo

        If even Newt's cheatin' ass is shuttin' you down as too ignorant, well then you better reexamine your purpose in life.

        Orly Taitz took her anti-Obama birther crusade to GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on Monday, only to come up empty-handed. Again.

        At a campaign event in Pasadena, Calif., Gingrich took questions after delivering a stump speech blasting, among other things, "President Obama's war on the Catholic Church" and the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which recently overturned California's same-sex marriage ban.

        After answering concerns about the state of his campaign following a slide in recent polls and primary contests, Taitz came forward, suggesting that the birther issue could provide a "boost" to his candidacy if he made it a hallmark issue.

        "Somebody who wouldn't be good enough, who wouldn't be certified to pick tomatoes or clean bathrooms is sitting in the White House," Taitz told Gingrich, reportedly to a mixed reception from the largely Tea Party audience.

        "That's a project you should pursue," Gingrich responded. He went on to say that with ongoing economic issues and other mismanagement he saw in the president's agenda, he had "enough issues to debate Obama about."

        Taitz, a California attorney and dentist, is one of the most outspoken members of the birther movement, whose adherents claim that Obama is ineligible to serve as president because he isn't actually a U.S. citizen. (In fact, the White House has released the president's long-form birth certificate, in hopes of quelling the conspiracy theories.) Taitz, who specifically believes that the president has forged his official documents, made something of a stir in Georgia last month when a judge subpoenaed Obama in a case her clients had filed attempting to bar Obama from the state's primary ballot. Obama's legal team ignored the judge's order, however, and the case proceeded without him. It was eventually dismissed by the judge, who determined that Obama was eligible to be on Georgia's primary ballot in March.

