Carnivore, Pescatarian, Vegetarian or Vegan?
Re: Carnivore, Pescatarian, Vegetarian or Vegan?
Really though? You really think Gluten made you tired and depressed all the time? You may very well be right, everyone is different and has different sensitiveness to things. So no more beer huh?
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: Carnivore, Pescatarian, Vegetarian or Vegan?
Some interesting thoughts on that subject here: Beer low in Gluten/Gluten light? - Beer - Chowhound
It all comes down to individual sensitivity, so i certainly wouldn't advocate that a celiac freely drink beer based on those findings, but it's worth a look if you're a beer nerd like me.Comment
Re: Carnivore, Pescatarian, Vegetarian or Vegan?
Re: Carnivore, Pescatarian, Vegetarian or Vegan?
If it don't look up at me and scream before I kill it, it's probably a side dish.Comment