What does one do who has for years apportioned the allowances from mommy and grandma into hip hop and drum and bass records thereby resulting in the development of an affinity for said styles? Right, telling his record dealer nothing, and saving every penny he purchases electronic toys by which he can create his own styles like the aforementioned 45’s. In light of the goods, next up is compulsion driven vinyl from the pipeline which now adorns the canvasses of spin artists. Douglass lying on his back, hands clasped behind his head: I want to put on a pair of those fly techno breeches and peep how the girls sultry smile and the dazed fellas – with electronic tango in the club! By golly that’s it! I’ll make simply what I make when I’m at home in living color for the people! From this idea a passionate seriousness is manifest. Two different live concepts come to the light which bring the tears to a torrent out of the pores. And now two fists for the club: Greed, his toys and you. Or four fists for the senses: together with a VJ bud an audio visual spectacle unfolds. Quasi techno with a view to a cultivated nouveau. Where the compulsion to move contains not a little of pure excitement. This is music for the masses at those cozy, thick houses and at the same time for ‘mammoth’ scale productions which move the heavenly bodies. The dim sadness is loosened with brilliant color demonstrating that melancholy is not only dance-able but also is a source of pure fun!RELEASESDouglas Greed - Nordlicht on Family Tree 2- Perspectiv Douglas Greed - Dusty Files 3 - Lebensfreude DL Douglas Greed - Beuys don..t cry - Freude am Tanzen Douglas Greed - Dusty Files 2 - Lebensfreude DL Douglas Greed - Dusty Files 1 - Lebensfreude DL Douglas Greed feat. MC Kemo - Deadline EP - Lebensfreude 27 Douglas Greed - RMX EP (Einzelkind, Klute, Marcus Intalex rmx..s) Combination rec. Einzelkind in bed with Douglas Greed - ICE 1656 - Kindisch rec. 013 Douglas Greed - Aenima/ Balldate - Combination Records 055 Douglas Greed - Girlfriend In A Coma - Freude Am Tanzen 031 Douglas Greed - Ein E Ist Ein W Ist Ein M Ist Eine 3 - Combination Records 045 Douglas Greed - Molloy EP - Elster Records 003 Douglas Greed - Madame C. EP - Freude Am Tanzen 028 Douglas Greed - Glue EP - Combination Records 039 Douglas Greed - Lopez - Combination Records 029 REMIXESRon Flatter - Glunsum (Douglas Greed RMX) - Pour la vie 01 Gunne - Bollore (Douglas Greed RMX) - Lebensfreude 26 Klute - Property is theft - Commercial (Douglas Greed RMX) Scott - Le rentre - Doppelschall (Douglas Greed RMX) Marbert Rocel - Beats like Birds - Compost (Douglas Greed Wassermalfarben RMX) Sistema - Humo - Neue Lärmklassiker (Douglas Greed's Ruf Erinnerungen Remix) Brett Longman - Fragrance - Clic and Cut (Douglas Greed's Kichererbsenmus Remix) booking:booking@freude-am-tanzen.comfor remix requests please contact:hello@douglas-greed.comhttp://www.douglas-greed.comhttp://www.myspace.com/douglasgreed
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