Anyone else have a subscription to Frisky Radio? $10/month might sound like a lot but I don't have the time anymore to sift through back alleys for great live sets and the constant barrage of sets from N-tchbl, Dave Seaman, Pole Folder, Kintar and Haazy give me all the progressive house/tribal music I need. No, I don't work for them, just a huge fan. My favorite set of all the sets I've listened to in 2011 has to be N-tchbl's Frisky Radio set in July. Check out my mini review:
I'd be curious to know if anyone else has a sub and which DJs they jive. There's just way too many to choose from so I'd love to have few more that have been vetted.
I'd be curious to know if anyone else has a sub and which DJs they jive. There's just way too many to choose from so I'd love to have few more that have been vetted.