Senior US Bankers Given Timetable for Greek Default
Senior US Bankers Given Timetable for Greek Default
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Re: Senior US Bankers Given Timetable for Greek Default
Greece WILL default. The question that remains is: will this dismantle the EU or not?
Greece would fare better (comparatively) if they disengaged from the EU and handled this alone.
--but Greece leaving the EU puts the EU at jeapordy
----because if Greece bails in this crisis, other countries will very likely follow suit
-------thus, Greece cutting ties with the EU means the EU will pretty much be dismantled
-----------and if the EU is dismantled, all the ultra-rich authoritarians running the EU will be out of work and out of power.
this is why they're trying to force the bailout despite it being worse for everyone.
And personally, I doubt the EU will survive this. I like the concept of the EU, but the structure and balance of that system is so absurd I'm quite surprised it lasted this long.
What they're telling US banks is not much different than giving an earthquake warning moments before the earthquake happens. The shockwaves of greece imploding will affect our banking system - it would be fairly naive to think our banking system will not be affected whatsoever. The banks have their own money at play here, but also, millions of Americans and investors and business people, too. They could really screw America over if they said nothing or pretended that the situation was going to could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I the corners of your mind....