Following a gracious invitation from MS'er Mades, Troklo, the wife and I dragged an unsuspecting friend on a trip to Trnava, Slovakia (population about 20'000) to see Eelke Kleijn and Dandy play. First up, massive thanks to Mades, he recommended a great hotel, took us out for a very nice meal with Eelke and Dandy, and looked after us all night, complete with some guest list spots. The club was small but the sound system was pretty good. We arrived when Dandy was just about to start so we grabbed some drinks and sat down at a table to check it out. Eelke walked in and came over to join us. The track that was playing was the last from the first warm up DJ, and it was kind of epic...Eelke at first thought it was a tune from Dandy and he was like "what the fuck is this",
but in the end Dandy played a really solid warm up set and set the scene perfectly for Eelke. Dandy was really nice, and invited us to Budapest for his Birthday in April, and also for the Digweed set there in the near future. Eelke was also really nice and sat and talked to me and Troklo for a few hours till he started his set. He said he is on MS sometimes to check out the feedback for his podcasts, but never posts anything. If you see this Eelke say hello!
When Eelke started there was maybe 100 people in the small club. Thankfully I dont have to go through and describe the set too much as it will be the next Outside The Box podcast, but suffice to say it was an absolute stormer. I don't know how long it was, but I am guessing 3-4 hours. Mades told Eelke to keep playing as long as he wanted, and there was a really solid 40-50 people still dancing at 5am. Unfortunately, the next DJ was stood behind Eelke for about 30 minutes with his headphones round his neck, so he felt some pressure and stopped playing. I highly recommend everyone download it and take a listen, there are some corkers in there, especially in the last hour or so.
Overall, we are really glad we made the trip and had a blast hanging out with Mades, Peter (Dandy) and Eelke, and have invited all to come visit us in Vienna soon. One of the really cool things about MS is that you are instant friends with people you meet from here, and I already count a few people I met on here among my best friends. As such I extend an invitation to all of MS, if you ever come by vienna or go to a festival nearby make sure to hit us up and we'll try to show the same hospitality Mades (and others before him) showed to us. I'll post some pics later and I know Troklo took some vids so maybe he can upload them.
ps. Make sure you download the next Outside The Box podcast

When Eelke started there was maybe 100 people in the small club. Thankfully I dont have to go through and describe the set too much as it will be the next Outside The Box podcast, but suffice to say it was an absolute stormer. I don't know how long it was, but I am guessing 3-4 hours. Mades told Eelke to keep playing as long as he wanted, and there was a really solid 40-50 people still dancing at 5am. Unfortunately, the next DJ was stood behind Eelke for about 30 minutes with his headphones round his neck, so he felt some pressure and stopped playing. I highly recommend everyone download it and take a listen, there are some corkers in there, especially in the last hour or so.
Overall, we are really glad we made the trip and had a blast hanging out with Mades, Peter (Dandy) and Eelke, and have invited all to come visit us in Vienna soon. One of the really cool things about MS is that you are instant friends with people you meet from here, and I already count a few people I met on here among my best friends. As such I extend an invitation to all of MS, if you ever come by vienna or go to a festival nearby make sure to hit us up and we'll try to show the same hospitality Mades (and others before him) showed to us. I'll post some pics later and I know Troklo took some vids so maybe he can upload them.
ps. Make sure you download the next Outside The Box podcast