Talent: Myon and Shane 54, Aruna (Singing and DJ set), Audrey Gallagher *LIVE*, Ummet Ozcan, Crissy Criss, Stefano Noferini, The Pitcher, Lady Faith, Caffeine, Tantrum Desire, Rollz, Replicant, APX1, Plus Many More!
Located at Pico Rivera Sports Arena 11003 Rooks Road Pico Rivera, CA
Show starts at 06:00PM
For event updates, line up, and further details please visit
Also, feel free to check out our social network sites:
Ticket link - http://fla.vor.us/1116943-FRESH-Anni...l-07-2012.html

You can also purchase hard tickets in these available stores. Tickets start at $30 (fees may vary from store to store).
Anaheim Music Revolution Inc - 52 East Orangethorpe Avenue - (714) 447-9288 Escondido Street Life - 254 East Grand Avenue - (760) 747-1848
Hollywood Street Sounds - 7704 Melrose Avenue - (323) 651-0630
Huntington Beach D J Culture - 7561 Center Avenue(714) 895-3548
Long Beach Electroshock - 2517 E. Anaheim St. - (562) 361-8306
Pacific Beach Mileage Clothing - 951 Garnet Avenue - (85

Pasadena Poobah Records - 2636 East Colorado Boulevard - (626) 449-3359 Pasadena Store XIII - 2220 East Colorado Boulevard - (626) 405-1968
Riverside Headstone Boutique - 1299 Galleria At Tyler - (951) 689-4323
Riverside Electric Chair - 3404 Arlington Avenue - (951) 686-4486
San Bernardino Curb Servin - 455 W. 4th Street - (909) 891-1200
Santa MonicaThe Brat Store - 1938 14th Street - (310) 452-2480
West Covina Store - 13142 South Glendora Avenue - (626) 430-6650
Whittier Music Revolution - 11133 Washington Boulevard - (562) 692-0281
***Line up and ticket prices are subject to change.
For event updates, line up, and further details please visit http://www.gofreshyourself.com/!!!