John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

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  • chuckc
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 5459

    Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

    one thing worth noting is that it took 10 years before digs gave an exclusive mix to ms. correct me if I am wrong.


    • chuckc
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Jun 2004
      • 5459

      Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

      Originally posted by dusk
      Just read this bit..... I haven't heard a Sasha set in ages..... would be interested in knowing which quality set he has released recently??

      a crapload Merchandise: Booking Contacts: Ian Hindmarsh // (Europe/South America/Rest Of World) Emma Hoser // (US/North America) Fin

      most of his are straight from the soundboard as well


      • coleby761
        Are you Kidding me??
        • May 2008
        • 4857

        Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba


        • DIDI
          Aussie Pest
          • Nov 2004
          • 16845

          Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

          Originally posted by simonr
          ok .. sorry to bang on, but I think its important for me to establish some clear facts that exist in the real world.

          The 2 minute intro was personalised to the site !!!
          It took some thought (i.e. wasn't just a bland 'happy 10th birthday here's a DJ set').
          It expressed the understanding that [ms] hosts* John's weekly show and that Transitions polarises opinions.
          Diggers also clearly gets across that he respects the forum members/fans right to their opinion/views on his music.

          I'm sorry, but how many other major headlining DJs out there would do such a thing ?

          1. [ms] got an exclusive that no other site has.
          2. Yes it did tie into Cordoba (nothing wrong with that), but the set wasn't just picked at random, I can assure you of that !!!
          3. Bit rate is down to the artist in terms of the quality they release/upload/send.

          John took the time to phone about the set, he was in between tours and still had his 400th radio show to do ... I assume he also wanted to have some time for his family too ... yet he still took the time to arrange the set. he didn't have to do this, but wanted to find the time to do so in recognition of our support.

          On the family thing, recent interviews with the likes of Hernan and Josh Wink make interesting reading on a how the DJ life and running a family is hard to balance.

          He has a stupidly busy schedule + his day job (when not running a record label with a consistent & busy release schedule) involves listenening to more new music than most DJs out there. He's very hands on with stuff and puts in so many hours sleep is at a premium (check out the South America documentary). yet again, he found the time to put other tasks aside and support [ms].

          *To be fair we're not meant to get them, a blind eye is turned. The contract for the show is made with the radio stations ... in reality many people here would have to pay for the show through subscription with Proton. However, Proton are very nice about things and allow us to host a rip provided this is a few days later.
          Simon ,most of your post just underlines the facts I stated. And you never know, Digweed may appreciate that his business acumen is recognised, and appreciated . No one certainly would deny that he works extremely hard, as do others.
          Originally posted by TheVrk
          it IS incredible isn't it??
          STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
          Simply does not get any better than Hernan
          The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


          • DIDI
            Aussie Pest
            • Nov 2004
            • 16845

            Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

            Originally posted by coleby761
            Sorry if I disappoint you.
            Originally posted by TheVrk
            it IS incredible isn't it??
            STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
            Simply does not get any better than Hernan
            The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


            • unkle
              Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
              • Mar 2007
              • 10174

              Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba


              • DIDI
                Aussie Pest
                • Nov 2004
                • 16845

                Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

                Originally posted by TheVrk
                it IS incredible isn't it??
                STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                • Hoff
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 4727

                  Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

                  Originally posted by DIDI


                  • Hoff
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 4727

                    Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

                    Originally posted by unkle


                    • Hoff
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 4727

                      Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba


                      • DIDI
                        Aussie Pest
                        • Nov 2004
                        • 16845

                        Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

                        Originally posted by Hoff

                        Yeah, I saw that
                        Originally posted by TheVrk
                        it IS incredible isn't it??
                        STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                        Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                        The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                        • go0gle
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 1543

                          Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

                          Originally posted by DIDI
                          Whoever said we should be giving back to him had to be joking.
                          I said something along the lines, and I meant it in a more general sense I guess.. We do get a lot of good quality free music in general


                          • tribalcho
                            Gold Gabber
                            • May 2008
                            • 925

                            Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

                            Originally posted by Hoff

                            tribalcho _ with full respect
                            .. you don´t have to care if you're the only one who thinks that or not
                            On the contrary - when different people from different parts of the world share the same opinion about something (as is what i see here on this thread) - well i believe they are a step close to the truth or a step close to the i said,only the time will tell...=))
                            GOING TO THE BEAT OF A DIFFERENT DRUMMER

                            Todor Kalev - Bringing Back The Old School (Feb 201 by Todor Kalev | Mixcloud

                            Antarez on

                            Antarez - DJ Sets And Mixes | listen to music and sounds on


                            • dig72
                              Gold Gabber
                              • Nov 2004
                              • 882

                              Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

                              Originally posted by chunky
                              I see where you are coming from to a point, but if a DJ gives out a live set for free the artists featured on the mix haven't been paid or asked their permission to have their tracks given away. Some might call it exposure others theft.
                              I hear ya Chunky and agree with you on the issue of exposure vs theft.

                              What I'm unhappy about is the fact that Digweed after all these years, decided that it would be a good idea to 'sell' a supposed amazing live set, rather than to share it.

                              It's the in your face commercialism, something that many around these parts try very hard to avoid, that annoys me the most.

                              The release of this Live Cordoba mix and pricetag associated with it, just didn't feel right for me.

                              Many friends of mine felt the very same way, except I'm not too fussed to be speaking about it openly.

                              “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
                              Marcus Tullius Cicero


                              • DIDI
                                Aussie Pest
                                • Nov 2004
                                • 16845

                                Re: John Digweed - Live in Cordoba

                                ^^ You want to hear something funny ?? Someone put CD 1 up for download on our local forum. I got it taken down from one site . It's idiots like this that helped lose us megaupload and have made dealing with even legal stuff so much harder

                                @go0gle We do indeed get some amazing music for free !! It's a source of constant wonder for me
                                Originally posted by TheVrk
                                it IS incredible isn't it??
                                STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                                Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                                The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies

