Francesco Laterza, Italian,improved from an early age an innate passion for music.This passion led him at the age of ten years to approach the study of classical guitar and music theory and, a few years later, the study of the electric guitar.He became Skatramp on 2006 in London, where he lives for months, between clubs and parties, a total experience that hasits background the London underground music scene.This rebirth turned into pure passion for electronic music, and specifically, in devotion to Techno. At the beginning his music is research and musical experimentation butthen he gives life to subtleand dynamic creations, in which the darker techno sounds intertwine with hypnotic grooves and acid frequencies in an atmosphere of sound between the Industrial and Techno Detroit.His productions are not made only by sounds but they are the backbone of a true lifestyle based on the ideology of the techno movement.Winner of the national final of the contest DJ MarteLive Italy on 2009, he had the opportunity, in these years, to deal with different musical contexts, including the movement Intellighenzia Electronica (Milan) and to made remix for various djs asBohnz, Punture d'Insetto and Redrum Alone.Such approaches to the underground world sketch out the portait of a musician melody-conscious and costantly hunting for new sounds.REMIXESBhonz - Tar (Skatramp RMX) [Unreleased]http://soundcloud.com/skatramp/bhonz-tar-skatramp-rmxPunture d'insetto . Celebration of sea and rain (Skatramp RMX) [Unreleased] http://soundcloud.com/skatramp/puntu...ramprmxCONTACT, BOOKING AND REMIXES REQUESTskatramp@gmail.comRA PAGEhttp://www.residentadvisor.net/dj/skatrampSOUNDCLOUDhttp://soundcloud.com/skatrampphoto: Giuseppe&Marcello
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