DEEP, Homemade & Auburn Events unite for the first time to present The 3 Kings of House bringing legendary DJs Louie Vega, David Morales, and Tony Humphries for a special all night tag team set! This is their first ever appearance together in Los Angeles.
The trio will only be playing select classics, underground, and rare musical gems from the 90s that gave birth to what the world now enjoys as House music. DEEP creator Marques Wyatt will perform the opening honors and early arrival is highly recommended.
L O U I E • V E G A
(Vega Records, NY)
D A V I D • M O R A L E S
(Def Mix Productions, NY)
T O N Y • H U M P H R I E S
(Tony Records, NY)
M A R Q U E S • W Y A T T
Check out footage from WMC's 3 Kings of House party here: http://youtu.be/u33xywt-AFs
Friday, April 27, 2012
DEEP, Homemade & Auburn Events Present The 3 Kings of House
6021 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026
10:00 pm - 4:00 am | 21+
$20 Advance tickets available at http://fla.vor.us/homemadela