Knowing what a great track should sound like - and the place it can be taken by warping and twisting it - is James Zabiela's forte.
Pushing the envelope while still learning to cope with a real-life fan base and life on the other side of the record counter, it’s unlikely that James Zabiela will be taking a breather anytime soon. There are further late niteries like Tribal Sessions and Matter to entertain and regular slots in Romania and Budapest to attend to. On a recent trip to Argentina he played a five-hour set in front of 6,500 screaming punters at Moonpark in Buenos Aires. No wonder Sasha refers to James as the guv'nor, This is still just the beginning.
✔✔✔✔ Please note, that my recording is without unnecessary drivel, only the acceptable have been retained [ ~ around 5 minutes are out] ✔✔✔✔
♛ The Full Show (with Interviews and introduction of some Tracks), Hosted by Andy Wilson can be downloaded here ♛