Though simmering for years in the stew of Chicago's nascent footwork and juke scene, the sound of Spinn & Rashad's frenetic 808 programming and deftly sliced r&b loops has turned into an epidemic in recent years, informing the trajectory of club music the world over. DJ Spinn's and DJ Rashad's skills behind the turntables, honed from years playing after-school footwork battles, provide the perfect soundtrack for adrenaline-fueled, 160 BPM dance mayhem.

☆ ☆ ☆ T R A C K L I S T I N G ☆ ☆ ☆
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: Min- -●Max
✔✔✔✔ Please note, that my recording is without unnecessary drivel, only the acceptable have been retained ✔✔✔✔