This has been locked away for the last 9 years until someone decided to share it on Youtube (?!) last week. I captured the audio direct (AAC) for those who have Ipods, iTunes or other devices that support MP4 audio (tons of mobile devices):
Jody Wisternoff - Live @ Echo Fest Belgrade (2003-07-11).aac - 68.2 MB (hint: Only click the blue download button, the others require you to download an unneeded download manager)
If you MUST have MP3, here's a transcode of the above Youtube stream (not recommended for optimum quality):
Jody Wisternoff - Live @ Echo Fest Belgrade (2003-07-11)
Sband's link for easy Soundcloud consumption:
Heavy on the breaks tip when it wasn't uncommon for him to go that route, the first track is an henceforth unreleased and unshared Way Out West studio nugget from the Don't Look Now era (that apparently didn't make it out of the cutting room). Also includes early versions of "Coming Home," "Apollo," "Anything But You" and "Muthaf**ka."
01) 00:00 Way Out West - ID
02) 03:45 ID
03) 09:16 ID
04) 11:58 ID
05) 17:56 Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (Infusion Remix)
06) 25:29 Way Out West - Coming Home (early demo)
07) 28:10 ID

09) 37:33 Way Out West - Apollo (early demo)
10) 45:05 ID
11) 52:35 General Midi?
12) 55:59 Way Out West - Anything But You (early instrumental demo)
13) 61:09 ID
14) 64:55 Way Out West - Muthaf**ka
Savor it because it's not often an honest to goodness live show surfaces.