Remaining silent IS ILLEGAL in the USA !!!!

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  • FM
    • Jun 2004
    • 5361

    The justices upheld a Nevada cattle rancher's misdemeanor conviction. He was arrested after he told a deputy that he didn't have to reveal his name or show an ID during an encounter on a rural road in 2000.
    It's kind of don't really have to reveal yourself...but man for the love of all that is holy and whatnot, if you get pulled over by an officer on the road, the FIRST thing they ask you for?

    "License and registration..."

    And guess what happens if you don't comply or start acting like a jackass.

    Yes. They think you have something to hide.

    So thanks to this simple, bull-headed-minded MORON, instead of just complying, showing the ID and then probably getting a simple ticket (which is 10 times easier to fight in court), he tried to fight the whole system...and the system gained another W in the use of more broad powers.

    "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

    What record did you loose your virginity to?
    "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

    Download/Listen To My Mixes
    A Journey Into Sound On MCast

    Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.


    • mylexicon
      Addiction started
      • Jun 2004
      • 339

      Originally posted by deeprogressions
      A simple revamp of our justice system would never work. Instead it would require that 50% of America realize that the methods they've been seeking for the governing of this country have given 'Big Brother' to much power of the individuals life. If somehow you were able to force a complete reorginization of the American Justice system in five years it would once again be mired in beuracratic . Quite simply Uncle Sam now feels that he has the right to meddle in every individuals life and that rights so long held as cornerstones of this nation can be manipulated to better fit his needs. Now quite unfortunately nasserd is right about one thing the question is what to do a thousand theories but no answer at least not a quick and easy one. However, I would like to point out that by the sheer numbers of American posters in the politics section of this board we quite obviously don't fit into any of his other overgeneralized catagories.
      Very well said.

      Big government politicians (mainly dems) have been looking for ways to
      improve the ways people live by enlarging and centralizing gov. power. For
      damn near 1/2 century intelligent Americans who believe in preserving the
      spirit of the constitution have told them that their overly zealous idealism and
      blatant disregard for the past would cause problems for everyone everywhere.

      Well America here they are. And electing another dem. especially a French one
      isn't going to solve anything. Power this vast will corrupt whether its possessed by
      Bush or Kerry. Their is only one party left that still consistently votes to
      downsize the massive budget that gives Uncle Sam his domestic omnipotence.
      1.6 trillion wasn't enough.

      You spend billions of dollars feeding poor people and inviting minorities to this country
      only so the out of control institution you have created can rape them in the
      ass. Nice

      Originally posted by FM
      So thanks to this simple, bull-headed-minded MORON, instead of just complying, showing the ID and then probably getting a simple ticket (which is 10 times easier to fight in court), he tried to fight the whole system...and the system gained another W in the use of more broad powers.
      There is no doubt a little common sense could have prevented a lot of this
      big gov. nonsense; but i think you'd be singing a different tune if an Arab
      immigrant was the one caught in the middle of this. All of a sudden the
      defendant didn't know any better and the evil cops are part of a right wing
      Be a freedom fries..


      • FM
        • Jun 2004
        • 5361

        ^^bingo...unfortunately also, that's why you can't read and enforce the laws anymore in black and white..there's just way too much gray that comes into doubt...

        "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

        What record did you loose your virginity to?
        "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

        Download/Listen To My Mixes
        A Journey Into Sound On MCast

        Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.


        • mylexicon
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 339

          Originally posted by FM
          ^^bingo...unfortunately also, that's why you can't read and enforce the laws anymore in black and white..there's just way too much gray that comes into doubt...
          Law is the elimination of gray area. This gray area you speak of doens't
          actually exist. It is a perception that has occured in the mind of the American
          public as a result of the Supreme Court flip-flopping on issues throughout the
          last century.

          According to the law the Arab offender i spoke of would be guilty. If the laws
          were written clearly and remained unchange and uninterpretted except for in
          times of extreme social crisis, people would be able to come to have an
          elemet of certainty in their lives, and we wouldn't be in constant social upheaval.
          That was the purpose of the Constitution in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          The constitution was supposed to be uncompromising and adjustable. But
          since we can't pass a fucking amendment in this day and age the constitution
          has become compromised and unadjustable!!!!!
          Be a freedom fries..

