When will he learn. . . .

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  • davetlv
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1205

    When will he learn. . . .

    Under the roadmap for peace, the most recent of many peace proposals between the Palestinians and Israelis, whilst the Palestinians had to promise to reign in their terrorist prganisations Israel had to promise not to further build on occuppied Palestinian territory.

    Todays announcement by Ariel Sharon's government to build an extra 3,500 homes in Maale Adumim is just plain wrong. Even if i accepted the fact that their are certain settlements in the west bank which Israel will not be able to evacuate, (Maale Adumim in East Jerusalem, Ariel in the Northern West Bank and Gush Etzion south of Jerusalem),which i actually don't, to start a building process now, in a time where real options for peace are open to us, can not be justified.

    Although its not clear from the following BBC article whether these new properties will be built within the exisiting boundries of Maale Adumim, or whether 'new' land will be 'taken/stolen', i am some what disappointed.

    I never thought i would hear myself say this, but i hope this govenment falls next week - should Sharon not pass his budget by March 31st then new elections must be called within three or so months! Hopefully should this government fall then those who genuinely support not just the gaza disengagement programme but real peace can merge into a one issue party for the elections that will inevitably follow.

    Just had to rant! Thanks for listening!

    Article from BBC!

    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service


    Israel confirms settlement growth

    The Israeli government has confirmed plans to increase the size of its largest settlement in the West Bank.

    Approximately 3,500 homes are planned for Maale Adumin, east of Jerusalem.

    The settlements at Ariel in the northern West Bank, and Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem, are also expected to be expanded.

    Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said the Israeli plan threatened hopes of restarting the Middle East peace process.

    "[This] sabotages all efforts seeking to get the peace process back on track," he told the AFP news agency.

    "The Israeli government wants to determine Jerusalem's fate by presenting the settlements and wall as a fait accompli.

    "We ask the Quartet and American President George Bush: what happened to the two-state vision and how can we have peace while settlements and the wall continue to be built?" Mr Erekat said.

    Under the peace plan known as the roadmap, Israel pledged to freeze the growth of settlements on land occupied since 1967. The plan is sponsored by the "quartet" of the US, Russia, European Union and United Nations.

    The international community considers all settlements in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this.

    About 400,000 Jewish settlers live in Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem - alongside more than four million Palestinians.

    Focus on Gaza

    The BBC's Jonny Dymond in Jerusalem says that most attention in the region over the last few months has been focused on Israel's plans to withdraw from settlements in the Gaza Strip and evacuate settlers from the area.

    But now the government has made it clear that while it pulls out part of the Palestinian territories, it plans to step up its presence in another, he says.

    The Israeli defence ministry confirmed to the BBC that 3,500 housing units would be constructed between the largest West Bank settlement, Maale Adumin, and Jerusalem.

    An official from the prime minister's office is reported as saying that building would continue in two other large settlements, because these settlements would never be transferred to the Palestinian Authority.

    A spokesman for the US embassy in Tel Aviv said that Washington expected Israel to keep the commitments it made under the roadmap, and for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to abide by the promises he made President Bush.

    Earlier this month a damaging report commissioned by Mr Sharon found that Israeli ministries had methodically helped to build scores of unauthorised Jewish outposts in the West Bank.

    Outposts are settlements that the Israeli government has not approved, considers illegal and has committed itself under the roadmap to dismantling.

  • Yao
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 8167

    Re: When will he learn. . . .

    A very stupid move indeed.

    Even if legally permitted, it's giving off the wrong signal in light of the peace process. I fully support your wish Dave, may they guy swiflty be replaced with someone who does have some tact in his butt...
    Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

    There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


    • face
      Getting Somewhere
      • Jun 2004
      • 179

      Re: When will he learn. . . .

      the guy really drives me up the wall.

      for once we are seeing some *significant* progress on the road map (which used to be a joke). those settlements should not be expanded; they should be dismantled. those are the conditions of the road map.

      is abbas fulfilling his requirements? probably not, but at least [it looks like] he's trying. hamas and jihad are both still maintaining their unilateral ceasefires. hamas plans on participating in elections this summer, another smart move by a truly pragmatic group. abbas has no control over militant groups because he hardly has any control over his own security apparati.

      it's one thing to not fulfill your binding requirements; it's another to make a move in the complete opposite direction (i.e. expand settlements). and what makes me the most angry is then hearing US officials say something like
      A spokesman for the US embassy in Tel Aviv said that Washington expected Israel to keep the commitments it made under the roadmap, and for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to abide by the promises he made President Bush.
      they're obviously violating the road map terms, and the united states can't be asked to even give a half-assed chastisement. pure hypocrisy.

      and all the illegal settlements that the government was secretly funding all these years??? for fuck's sake, what is wrong with these people...

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      • Morgan
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 2234

        Re: When will he learn. . . .

        I think you have to really ask yourself- does isreal really want peace?
        The people might well want it, but does the goverment really agree?

        $3 billion a year is a powerfull force to keep the status quo.
        "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


        • face
          Getting Somewhere
          • Jun 2004
          • 179

          Re: When will he learn. . . .

          yeah. the conspiracy theorists will tell you israel doesn't want peace; she wants syria, lebanon, jordan, and the sinai. then again, they could be right =)

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