Muak Music
10:00pm – 4.00am
DJ Le Roi (Muak Music Music / Get Physical / Compost)
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/420945907951568/
RA Tickets: http://www.residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?392014
Basing House
25 Kingsland Road
E2 8AA
Muak Music returns to Basing House for another label orientated house music workout. Their previous visits have seen Andre Lodemann and Fred Everything take centre stage and this time they welcome DJ Le Roi, who has made Muak Music one of his home labels alongside Get Physical and Compost Black. Having released ‘Dust of Basement’ earlier in the year on Muak Music, with an Aki Bergen remix, his next release, entitled ‘All Cats are Grey’, will feature a tasty re rub by Milton Jackson.
Muak Music is making giant leaps forward and with tracks ready to drop from Giom, Zaki, Nacho Marco, Andre Lodemann and Kyodai, as well as two mix compilations, they are now beginning to further their message.
Support on the night comes from label boss Zaki.
DJ Le Roi – All Cat Are Grey - Including Milton Jackson Remix