Amazon Glacier
Re: Amazon Glacier
I'm playing with it now while I'm at work. It is really not easy to use for the end-user yet because there aren't any cli libraries that interface with it out yet, so you have to write some java code to query your vault and upload/download stuff.
I've uploaded a small archive to it sofar and I'm trying to download it back now. Waiting for my job to return since it takes a few hours...Comment
Re: Amazon Glacier
i'd really like a cheap place to throw my computer backups online, but i'm kinda concerned about security. have used S3 for a few years without an issues for storing/streaming media. what're your thoughts on parking backups online someplace secure and cheap?Comment
Re: Amazon Glacier
So Glacier sofar looks really cheap, but it is a big pain in the ass to use as of right now. There aren't any clients for it yet, so you have to write java code to upload and download shit which really isn't practical. Plus the retreival costs are really confusing, plus you have to wait for about 4 hrs after telling the service to fetch your data for it to be pulled down out of the archive. It is meant for really long term storage, so if you want to download 1TB of your data and you are only storing 2TB there you have to space it out over a few days/weeks or you get charged out the ass. It really isn't usable by mere mortals yet until some commandline or gui programs come around, which they will in a few months.
Storing a TB for $10/month is pretty bad ass though.
S3 is killer I have about 100GB stored in there which is costing me about $9/month since I am using the reduced-redundancy storage which is $.09/GB. You can have S3 encrypt your data on their end before it is stored. But Amazon has they keys to decrypt it but it is stored in some separate system so it is supposed to be more secure, but they can still get to it if needed I think. You'd need to encrypt your stuff on your end before sending it anywhere if you wanted to be safe for sure.
I signed up for CrashPlan a few months ago because everything else was too expensive for how much data I back up. Online Data Backup - Offsite, Onsite, Cloud - CrashPlan Backup Software
Its 50$/year and unlimited uploads. I don't know they probably would send you an email if you try and use 10TB with them, but I've backed up my 400GB of mp3's to their service and I've used their advanced options to encrypt everything on my end before uploading with an encryption key.Comment
Re: Amazon Glacier
I don't have more than 2GB worth of data that's irreplaceable, and that's just photos or source code. The rest I can get from the Internet if lost, so I see little value in this service considering I can store everything for free on Google Docs, Dropbox, etc.Comment
Re: Amazon Glacier
Easier archiving now: Amazon Web Services Blog: Archiving Amazon S3 Data to Amazon GlacierComment
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