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  • ejepsen
    Fresh Peossy
    • Mar 2005
    • 10


    George Bush has nominated Paul Wolfowitz, one of the main architects of the Iraq war, to run the World Bank. Am I the only one who thinks that this man should be locked away and not promoted for his deeds?

    In a position as the leader of the World Bank which is as much about developing countries as it possibly can be, Wolfowitz does not exactly have his least dealings in Iraq on his side... but hey - who cares!? I wonder how Wolfowitz is going to handle sensible topics like China and other non-arch-liberal countries. Will he be able to see through colours and make globalisation perform to its best?

    If Bush wants to run his neoconservative bullshit he should at least confine it to within US' borders.
  • aeon
    Fresh Peossy
    • Mar 2005
    • 30

    Re: Wolfowitz

    I was wondering how long it was going to take someone to bring this up.

    The spin is that obviously Bush cares about the WB otherwise he wouldnt have appointed someone in his inner circle for the post. BS its just another way to forward his crappy foreign policies.

    Remind me, how many more years of this madness?


    • toasty
      Sir Toastiness
      • Jun 2004
      • 6585

      Re: Wolfowitz

      Originally posted by ejepsen
      Am I the only one who thinks that this man should be locked away and not promoted for his deeds?
      Ahh, but to do that would be to acknowledge any error on the part of the Bush administration. In today's world, the more incompetent you are, the faster you get to rise up the Bush chain.

      It is truly amazing to me how PR driven Bush's administration is. All administrations try to put the best spin on everything, but I have to hand it to Bush and his crew, they have mastered it. No matter how fucked up things seem to be, they behave as if everything is fine -- and conversely, when things go well, even as a result of actions they have opposed, they claim credit for a job well done.

      ...and half of the public nods and goes along with it. Staggering.


      • aeon
        Fresh Peossy
        • Mar 2005
        • 30

        Re: Wolfowitz

        ...and half of the public nods and goes along with it. Staggering.
        I couldn't agree more. Is everyone just so stupid are they just numb and indifferent?

        I also agree with how impressive "the machine" is and how incompetent the dems are right now cause even when it seems there's an obvious screw up (almost daily) in the White House the dems can't seem to expose it or they latch on to wrong issues.

        I hope they have someone better in mind the Hillary in 2008.


        • gsturm
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 459

          Re: Wolfowitz

          just my .02, but in the weird world of Washington (esp. in this presidential administration), this is NOT a promotion for Wolfowitz.

          i, too, think he is frightening, but he'll be much less of a threat to the world at the world bank than in the US defense establishment IMO. at worst, he'll just fvck up development and debt relief policies -- marginally better than goading an either just malleable or outright malevolent warmonger of a US president into unprovoked foreign conquests.

          still, he's an anus and the world would be better off without him in public life. :?


          • Sinisterbeatz
            Getting warmed up
            • Feb 2005
            • 81

            Re: Wolfowitz

            Bush makes these choices alphabetically....


            Jesus Votes Republican


            • ejepsen
              Fresh Peossy
              • Mar 2005
              • 10

              Re: Wolfowitz

              Good to hear that we're all on the same wavelength (more or less)

              It's actually quite amazing that whichever American I question about Bush I always get an answer similiar to that you guys are giving me.
              Yet the fool is still in power... it seems to me that there are a lot of people out there who just wont admit that they'd actually voted for him.
              (And yeah yeah - I know that the white trash were behind all the votes but still - he still got the majority so there must be somebody around here too)


              • hoodednight
                Fresh Peossy
                • Jan 2005
                • 37

                Re: Wolfowitz

                From what I have read / heard, this seems to be very plausible

                Because Wolfowitz was such hawk about the Iraq war and,
                subsequently, intent to privatize all previously State run
                enterprises (i.e. oil), Wolfowitz began to butt heads with
                "Big Oil" executives who had different ideas for post-war
                Iraq. The Bush administration decided to mitigate this
                conflict by moving Wolfowitz to the WB. This move is, at
                the same time, a demotion and a display of contempt.
                Wolfowitz concern for the fate of developing countries is
                questionable at best. His appointment to the WB, along
                with Bush's recent appointments to the U.N. and the promotion of
                John Negroponte, who oversaw death squads in Latin
                America, and Elliot Abrams, who was involved in the Iran
                Contra affairs, displays a much broader disdain for
                International institutions. In this context, the Wolfowitz
                appointment makes a whole lot of sense.

                Regarding a comment made in an earlier post, I don't necessarily
                believe the WB to be an innocuous organization. Although it has been
                boon to the economic stability of the U.S., with very little observable
                benefit, the WB has perpetuated poverty in the developing world.
                Wolfowitz will stll have considerable power as head of this organization...


                • brakada
                  Gold Gabber
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 622

                  Re: Wolfowitz

                  Hey, maybe the future holds for us Cheney or Rumsfeld as the heads of UNICEF and UNESCO...
                  We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."


                  • Yao
                    DUDERZ get a life!!!
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 8167

                    Re: Wolfowitz

                    Fuck...that leaves just me to save the African continent

                    Joking, but he's the wrong man for that job. If Wolfowitz becomes president, developing countries dependent on WB and IMF funding are screwed in the ass big time. Wolfy is the kind of man that falls back to mistakes made in the past bcos he thinks it was the right way and he can do it right where others failed.
                    I'm afraid he would undo all the progression there has been made in the policies in the past 50 years or so, given his stubborness and conservatism.

                    Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                    There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway

