So it finally happened me and Caley entered his space machine in San jose and got it on for 3 hours so we decided to put out a set ... Seppuku is what your grandma has been waiting for ever since grandpa stopped buying lub for her money maker. HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR our first seasonal installment OF THE ULTIMATE FACE FUCKING SHIT FEST TO HIT THIS PLANET SINCE
Funny story: last year we resuscitated some guy who looked like he was about to literally kick the bucket, or he was just having a REALLY GOOD TIME (it's all relative) and his first reaction to us saving his life? Bought us a round of fucking beer. Seriously, you almost died, and we save you, and our reward is beer. What kind of heaven did we create? So then we picked out this name.
We will be doing a seasonal mix every 3 months... be on the look out for more of Seppuku
Soundcloud Link :