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It’s hard not to be nostalgic as we wind down The Rogue Show series. It’s been a roller coaster ride of emotion, with so much change in our lives since its inception. It’s taken a lot of hard work and complex coordination, but I can confidently say each episode has been
compiled and packaged with the utmost care. It’s a collection we’ll all cherish and listen to forever. We sincerely hope you will too.
We’ll keep this intro short, as there will be lots to talk about when we release our grand finale next month. But before we move onto the tunes, we’d like to give a quick shout out to Jason Darbyson of re.form [avw] for the slick Bedrock-inspired cover art. JD and Luke Fair go way back and he’s also been a great friend to bringthebeats, designing most of our INTIMATE & UNDERGROUND posters. It’s awesome to finally include you in The Rogue Show gallery bro, thanks sooo much!!
The Rogue Show – Episode 019 – Add2Basket
“Okay, one more to go. But before that, there’s another bunch of new and old songs I wanted to include before we close the doors. With Episode 19 I tried to avoid all the trendy bass house tunes you can hear thousands of these days, as less and less stands out for me. Looking forward to Episode 20; it’s going to be something very special to me and hope to you as well.”
You’ll hear a ton from Add2Basket leading up to his Toronto return at INTIMATE & UNDERGROUND v16 in December, the final party in the bringthebeats 10yr anniversary series. We’ll put together a mix archive, as we have for Luke and DEMI, and hopefully land a Personalized interview and exclusive to help promo the big event. Stay tuned!!
The Rogue Show – Episode 019 – Luke Fair
“It’s getting pretty sad to know we’re almost through with The Rogue Show, but I’m very excited for the new opportunities we have coming up. Nothing out of the ordinary with Episode 19, just another hour of deep and melodic music… hope you like it!”
Luke opened our anniversary series in sensational style in August with an over-flowing event that will be talked about in the Toronto scene for a long time to come. He’s currently touring throughout Australia and Asia, and it sounds like all the gigs have been amazing so far. Sydney’s Everguide put together a pretty unique interview with Luke that ‘s definitely worth checking out.