- Til Von Sein & Wenawedwa - Heart of Stone [Suol]
- The Force - TDL [N/A]
- Tanner Ross - Straight to Mexico (Original Mix) [Double Standard]
- Deniz Kurte, Gadi Mizrahi - The Way We Live feat. Navid Iz [Wolf + Lamb]
- Toto - Georgy Porgy (Satin Jackets & Chris Jykke Edit) [N/A]
- Satin Jackets v. Aaliyah - Rock the Boat [N/A]
- Janet Jackson - We Go Deep (Emery Sieczko Mix) [N/A]
- Change - Change of Heart (Lapelle Edit) [N/A]
- Isaac Tischaur - Doin' What I Got [FRΞNCH ΞXPRΞSS]
- Sandro Perri - The Drums (Slow Hands Remix) [Phonica Reords]
- The Emotions - Flowers (Soul Gangs Re-Edit) [N/A]
- The Whispers - Keep on Loving Me (Fingermanedit) [N/A]
- Vanilla Ace - Nautical Groove [Visionquest]
- Jonny Rock - Bad (Instrumental) [W+L Black]
- Tennis & Pillowtalk - The Outcast (Morgan Geist Remix) [Kompakt]
- Liquideep - Feel It (Andre Lodemann Remix) [Deeper Shades Records]
- Adriatique & Audino - All the Ladies [W+L Black]
- Body Language - Falling Out [OM Records]
- Patrice Rushen - Haven't You Heard? (Mike and Tess Boot Edit) [N/A]
- Metro Area - Proton Candy [Environ]
- Julio Bashmore - Au Seve [Broadwalk Records]
- 2000F & JKamata - You Don't Know What Love Is [Hyperdub]
- Lucky Paul - Rather Go Blind (Etta James Rework) [N/A]
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