Damn nothing like this at Leeds Uni, only in America - make sure you check out the link at the bottom of this email - woah!!!
The following article came from Tuesdays herald and can be found on line at
A California university, once ranked by Playboy magazine as the top US party school, is probing a fraternity over a party during which a hardcore sex film was made, a school spokesman said today.
California State University Chico has suspended its 25-member chapter of Phi Kappa Tau, while it investigates the party last October at which professional porn actors were filmed having sex, school spokesman Joe Wills said.
Shane's World, a Southern California maker of adult films, including some featuring partying college students, provided four female and two male actors for the film, a spokeswoman said.
A trailer of the toga-themed film, on sale on DVD for $32.50, appears on the filmmaker's website.
Three Chico State students had sex on film, Shane's World spokeswoman Nicole Henderson said.
"On Friday we suspended the fraternity," Wills said.
"We're trying to gather information as fast as we can right now."
The fraternity chapter could not be reached for comment on the film, the most recent scandal to hit Chico State.
Earlier this month, police arrested students over the death of a student during a Chi Tau fraternity hazing ritual.
Chico is a university town in a rural area of northern California.
Henderson said the filmmaker was contacted for its films by university students, who must verify they are older than 18 and sign release forms to be at parties and appear in its "College Invasion" series of films.
"We bring the porn stars and the cameras, and we just film," Henderson said.
"We get hundreds of letters every month from college students wanting us to come out to their schools."
Shane's World had made six College Invasion films since 2000 and was in talks with university students for future films, Henderson said.
End of Article.
A bit of Google and the result http://www.shanesworld.com/trailers/ci6.php

The following article came from Tuesdays herald and can be found on line at
A California university, once ranked by Playboy magazine as the top US party school, is probing a fraternity over a party during which a hardcore sex film was made, a school spokesman said today.
California State University Chico has suspended its 25-member chapter of Phi Kappa Tau, while it investigates the party last October at which professional porn actors were filmed having sex, school spokesman Joe Wills said.
Shane's World, a Southern California maker of adult films, including some featuring partying college students, provided four female and two male actors for the film, a spokeswoman said.
A trailer of the toga-themed film, on sale on DVD for $32.50, appears on the filmmaker's website.
Three Chico State students had sex on film, Shane's World spokeswoman Nicole Henderson said.
"On Friday we suspended the fraternity," Wills said.
"We're trying to gather information as fast as we can right now."
The fraternity chapter could not be reached for comment on the film, the most recent scandal to hit Chico State.
Earlier this month, police arrested students over the death of a student during a Chi Tau fraternity hazing ritual.
Chico is a university town in a rural area of northern California.
Henderson said the filmmaker was contacted for its films by university students, who must verify they are older than 18 and sign release forms to be at parties and appear in its "College Invasion" series of films.
"We bring the porn stars and the cameras, and we just film," Henderson said.
"We get hundreds of letters every month from college students wanting us to come out to their schools."
Shane's World had made six College Invasion films since 2000 and was in talks with university students for future films, Henderson said.
End of Article.
A bit of Google and the result http://www.shanesworld.com/trailers/ci6.php