Sasha's Involver cd advertised in the best buy flyer!!!

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  • JetaTek
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jun 2004
    • 111

    Here's a scan of the Best Buy flyer. I picked up my copy this morning and the lady at the register said it's only going to be $9.99 until Saturday. Starting Sunday the regular price is $13.99. Still not bad, but you might as well save $3.00 and buy it this week.


    • groffhibbitz
      Gold Gabber
      • Jun 2004
      • 632

      Originally posted by JetaTek
      Here's a scan of the Best Buy flyer. I picked up my copy this morning and the lady at the register said it's only going to be $9.99 until Saturday. Starting Sunday the regular price is $13.99. Still not bad, but you might as well save $3.00 and buy it this week.
      I wonder if they have the special edition version?


      • evangelion
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1999

        Originally posted by Trancelucent One
        I'll be picking up my copy this week!
        Me too. $9.99???!!!! You can't touch that. Best Buy has a pretty extensive Dance/DJ section to boot. The one by me is always playing dance tracks (usually cheese, but hey) when I go in.


        • JetaTek
          Getting Somewhere
          • Jun 2004
          • 111

          Originally posted by groffhibbitz
          Originally posted by JetaTek
          Here's a scan of the Best Buy flyer. I picked up my copy this morning and the lady at the register said it's only going to be $9.99 until Saturday. Starting Sunday the regular price is $13.99. Still not bad, but you might as well save $3.00 and buy it this week.
          I wonder if they have the special edition version?
          There were not any copies available at the location I went to here in Houston. However, it looks like Best Buy does have it in their inventory:


          • Astroboy
            Getting warmed up
            • Jun 2004
            • 62

            I'll be picking up a copy later today. What a deal for $9.99. Now if all the CDs were this afforable, I would be buying a lot more CDs.
            "The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda, because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda."

            -George W. Bush


            • rewing3
              I really don't care
              • Jun 2004
              • 5504

              Great Price. Get while you can. Lets hope they have enough in stock since you know best buy is notorious for advertising stuff they don't have a lot of.
              Common Sense is not Common at all.


              • darkmark
                Getting Somewhere
                • Jun 2004
                • 177

                I was in Best Buy hunting down S+D Communicate a few years ago and they we're playing a track off of Digweed's MMII (CP - Dust, I believe). Too bad they followed it up with Britney...


                • deeprogressions
                  Getting Somewhere
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 157

                  Hey thanks for the heads up I'm always willing to save a couple of bucks. I always knew that eventually the mainstream world would come to realize the inevitable...Sasha and Digweed will take over the world. Just didn't think it was going to happen at best buy.


                  • JetaTek
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 111

                    Originally posted by rewing3
                    Great Price. Get while you can. Lets hope they have enough in stock since you know best buy is notorious for advertising stuff they don't have a lot of.

                    I'd say there were about 20 on the rack when I went.


                    • evangelion
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1999

                      Anyone else having trouble finding the Limited Edition? The Best Buy by me did not have it, nor the Circuit City across the street. Looks like I'll have to order it from the Best Buy website. Pisses me off when store don't have what's on their website in their stores.


                      • nbpgt
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1044

                        everyone wants a piece of some resales action


                        • Trancelucent One
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 295

                          Originally posted by JetaTek
                          Originally posted by groffhibbitz
                          Originally posted by JetaTek
                          Here's a scan of the Best Buy flyer. I picked up my copy this morning and the lady at the register said it's only going to be $9.99 until Saturday. Starting Sunday the regular price is $13.99. Still not bad, but you might as well save $3.00 and buy it this week.
                          I wonder if they have the special edition version?
                          There were not any copies available at the location I went to here in Houston. However, it looks like Best Buy does have it in their inventory:

                          Yeah you can buy it online for $14.99 with free shipping...not too shabby!

                          I like it dark and dirty!!!


                          • djaerok
                            Getting Somewhere
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 107

                            Picked mine up from Best Buy for 9.99 as well. If you do not see the CDs on the rack, but it is indicated to be in stock, be sure to have the salesperson to check the stock at the back. That's what happened to me. They have 9 in stock but none is being displayed!
                            DJ Aero K - deeper, darker....progressively

