Michael Moore's crap.

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  • Balanc3
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1278

    wtf this is the land of the free. it doesn't take balls to produce crap like this, you just have to live in the U.S.
    JourneyDeep .into the sound


    • MJDub
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Jun 2004
      • 2765

      Everybody que it up on BitTorrent right now if you want to see it. Don't give the bastard any money and go see it in the theater.

      You can't have manslaughter without laughter.

      "Son," he said without preamble, "never trust a man who doesn't drink because he's probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the world. They're the judges, the meddlers. And, son, never trust a man who drinks but refuses to get drunk. They're usually afraid of something deep down inside, either that they're a coward or a fool or mean and violent. You can't trust a man who's afraid of himself. But sometimes, son, you can trust a man who occasionally kneels before a toilet. The chances are that he is learning something about humility and his natural human foolishness, about how to survive himself. It's damned hard for a man to take himself too seriously when he's heaving his guts into a dirty toilet bowl."


      • mylexicon
        Addiction started
        • Jun 2004
        • 339

        Originally posted by neur0t0xin64
        I hate that fat fucker!!!!
        Hated "Bowling for Columbine" all he does is whine and bitch about everything.
        what the fuck does it matter if Kmart sold the 9mm round that hit that kid? does he prefer a .45? tell you what if that were the case, the kid wouldn't have been in his fucking movie. Poor kids, what a tragedy.
        Poor kids is right. They will never be shot at again in their lives, and Michael
        Moore is parading them around, asking them to retell their horific story so
        that he can use them to make sure his vision of America is fulfilled. He is
        exploiting their suffering for political gain. Disgraceful.

        Originally posted by neur0t0xin64
        What the fuck does Moore want? Every single mother in America to get a fat paycheck from the gov. so they can stay home and watch the kids? That's impossible. Fat idiot!!!
        A mother has a baby she can't afford, and eventually the child dies from
        negligence. Negligence began the life and negligence ended it. Society is
        def. not to blame for that one.

        Unfortunately Michael Moore still hasn't realized that wars and guns don't kill
        people. People kill people. And they have been killing one another since the
        dawn of time. A new President or new law isn't going to stop the carnage, it
        is simply going to change who dies. Even without war and guns, humanity
        will find economic or governmental ways to make people suffer.
        Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..


        • Galapidate
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 366

          Originally posted by mylexicon
          Unfortunately Michael Moore still hasn't realized that wars and guns don't kill
          people. People kill people. And they have been killing one another since the
          dawn of time. A new President or new law isn't going to stop the carnage, it
          is simply going to change who dies. Even without war and guns, humanity
          will find economic or governmental ways to make people suffer.
          That is true, but IF Bush wasn't in office who knows if we would've been in Iraq (I really doubt it). The difference between the war in Iraq and other wars is that there is a very weak motive for going in.


          • mylexicon
            Addiction started
            • Jun 2004
            • 339

            Originally posted by Galapidate
            That is true, but IF Bush wasn't in office who knows if we would've been in Iraq (I really doubt it). The difference between the war in Iraq and other wars is that there is a very weak motive for going in.
            If we had no Bush, and we weren't in Iraq, sanctions would still be choking
            the general populous while Saddam sat there unaffected. There is no doubt
            innocent people are dying......no one is trying to deny it. For some reason
            people seem appalled that we are causing Iraqi suffering when the sanctions
            were already impoverishing the Iraqi people on top of the already brutal
            conditions under which they lived.

            To understand what we are doing there you have to understand that we have
            not worsened conditions.....we have altered them. Most liberals can't understand
            why we are there because they can't even comprehend living under a brutal
            dictator. To be able to justify military action you have to learn what the Iraqi
            people have already suffered; then understand that we have not made it
            worse, then you have to summon up your resolve in order to see
            this thing through to better days. The Americans that have died there have
            died in other people's stead, and if we give up and lose focus of the ultimate
            goal we condemn them to vain and worthless deaths.

            I don't like knowing that Iraqis are dying because of what we have done, but
            condemning them to poverty and death so that we don't have to fight is even
            more unacceptable. Like i said, the war hasn't increased human suffering, it
            has simply attempted to change who is dying. That's why Iraq is so divided
            right now, people who were in great peril our now safe and people who were
            once safe are finding themselves in peril. But by temporarily altering human suffering
            we are hoping to enable the peaceful people to live free from the torment
            of the war mongers.

            Is it more humane to sit down and watch a suffering cancer patient
            until they die........or is it better to risk their already condemned existence in
            order to give them a shot at good health. Even if the failure rate is extremely
            high what have you got to lose from trying to save the person? Nothing. But thanx
            to Europe and the U.N. they have divided the entire world with hatred,
            arrogance, and pride. The world has made sure that if we fail to save Iraq,
            it will cost us our reputation, and our respectability. And the
            terrorist have assured us that if we fail it will cost us our lives and our prosperity.

            That is why people hate George Bush. It has nothing to do with the isolated
            media circus occurring in Iraq--that is just a cover. They are really upset
            because George Bush gambled with the two thing that all Americans
            desire more than all other things combined: pride and self-respect. Funny
            situation it is to, considering that all of us have learned that those are things
            that exist deep within the human psyche and can never be stripped away.
            Terrorists can take your child, they can destroy your business, they can take
            your head, they can take your parents, but they can never take your
            pride or your self-respect---and neither can a bunch of uppity socialists or
            a gun toting Texan.

            Emotions are too fickle a device to effectively run country or military.
            For the sake of all the Iraqis, Americans, British, South Koreans, etc. who
            suffer, don't allow this war to be fought based upon how you feel when you
            look at yourself in the mirror--you are the only one who can control that.
            Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..


            • Jenks
              I'm kind of a big deal.
              • Jun 2004
              • 10250

              Originally posted by mylexicon
              We are fighting for people who do not or cannot wage war to free themselves.


              • evangelion
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1999

                Originally posted by Jenks
                Originally posted by mylexicon
                We are fighting for people who do not or cannot wage war to free themselves.
                Or in some cases...will not.

                As for Michael Moore....

                Like someone said in a previous post, he thinks him making a controversial movie in America is somehow new or different. Idiot. Wasn't it proven that half of what was in Bowling for Columbine was either a lie or staged? Some people just live their entire lives to stir shit up. Sounds like a massive inferiority complex to me. I will never give this motherfucker a single dollor of my money and in fact will encourage everyone I know to download this piece of shit movie and never watch it.

                Funny how he refuses to go on with O'Reilly. Probably knows he will get torn a new one. He said last time he was on he took it to Bill...so tonight Bill showed the footage and it was very much the opposite. Oh well, just another in a long line of people who think that just because they are free they have to do something to incite people. I would love to see him go film a movie in Iraq. I gurantee they would kidnap him and cut his fucking head off just beacuse of who he was. Oh, the irony.


                • delirious
                  Addiction started
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 288

                  Originally posted by _evangelion_
                  Originally posted by Jenks
                  Originally posted by mylexicon
                  We are fighting for people who do not or cannot wage war to free themselves.
                  Or in some cases...will not.

                  As for Michael Moore....

                  Like someone said in a previous post, he thinks him making a controversial movie in America is somehow new or different. Idiot. Wasn't it proven that half of what was in Bowling for Columbine was either a lie or staged?
                  No, it wasn't.

                  Originally posted by _evangelion_
                  Some people just live their entire lives to stir shit up. Sounds like a massive inferiority complex to me. I will never give this motherfucker a single dollor of my money and in fact will encourage everyone I know to download this piece of shit movie and never watch it.

                  Funny how he refuses to go on with O'Reilly. Probably knows he will get torn a new one. He said last time he was on he took it to Bill...so tonight Bill showed the footage and it was very much the opposite. Oh well, just another in a long line of people who think that just because they are free they have to do something to incite people. I would love to see him go film a movie in Iraq. I gurantee they would kidnap him and cut his fucking head off just beacuse of who he was. Oh, the irony.
                  Wow..such anger. Funny how you're reacting to him in exactly the way he wants you to. He wants to incite and you get all angry. If everyone just ignored him... then how "big" would his films be?


                  • evangelion
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 1999

                    Originally posted by delirious
                    Originally posted by _evangelion_
                    Originally posted by Jenks
                    Originally posted by mylexicon
                    We are fighting for people who do not or cannot wage war to free themselves.
                    Or in some cases...will not.

                    As for Michael Moore....

                    Like someone said in a previous post, he thinks him making a controversial movie in America is somehow new or different. Idiot. Wasn't it proven that half of what was in Bowling for Columbine was either a lie or staged?
                    No, it wasn't.

                    Originally posted by _evangelion_
                    Some people just live their entire lives to stir shit up. Sounds like a massive inferiority complex to me. I will never give this motherfucker a single dollor of my money and in fact will encourage everyone I know to download this piece of shit movie and never watch it.

                    Funny how he refuses to go on with O'Reilly. Probably knows he will get torn a new one. He said last time he was on he took it to Bill...so tonight Bill showed the footage and it was very much the opposite. Oh well, just another in a long line of people who think that just because they are free they have to do something to incite people. I would love to see him go film a movie in Iraq. I gurantee they would kidnap him and cut his fucking head off just beacuse of who he was. Oh, the irony.
                    Wow..such anger. Funny how you're reacting to him in exactly the way he wants you to. He wants to incite and you get all angry. If everyone just ignored him... then how "big" would his films be?
                    Such anger???? Dude, you must new around here or something because this is nowhere near "anger" for me.

                    So because he lives to anger people I should just give in and respect what he has to say and give him money to make more bullshit anti-Bush propaganda. Not likely. That's fine if you've been drawn into his fucked up mission hook, line and sinker. I have no respect for someone who's only purpose is to incite and outrage. So go ahead...go see his movie, support his message and give in to his ultimate goal: lining his pockets.

                    But no...he's out to enlighten us, open our eyes, turn us on to the truth and make us see through the lies of this corrupt administration. That's why overwhelmingly liberal Hollywood booed him of the stage during his acceptance speech last year.

                    "Shame on you, Mr. Bush!!!!" Nice message.


                    • delirious
                      Addiction started
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 288

                      Originally posted by _evangelion_
                      Such anger???? Dude, you must new around here or something because this is nowhere near "anger" for me.
                      I'm fairly new so I take that back

                      Originally posted by _evangelion_
                      So because he lives to anger people I should just give in and respect what he has to say and give him money to make more bullshit anti-Bush propaganda. Not likely. That's fine if you've been drawn into his fucked up mission hook, line and sinker.
                      I'm not for Michael Moore or against Michael Moore.

                      Originally posted by _evangelion_
                      I have no respect for someone who's only purpose is to incite and outrage. So go ahead...go see his movie, support his message and give in to his ultimate goal: lining his pockets.

                      But no...he's out to enlighten us, open our eyes, turn us on to the truth and make us see through the lies of this corrupt administration. That's why overwhelmingly liberal Hollywood booed him of the stage during his acceptance speech last year.

                      "Shame on you, Mr. Bush!!!!" Nice message.
                      CNN was actually exposed for adding boos to the footage of his sppech.
                      But that's beside the point... he was booed none the less.

                      "Whoa. On behalf of our producers Kathleen Glynn and Michael Donovan from Canada,
                      I'd like to thank the Academy for this.
                      I have invited my fellow documentary nominees on the stage with us, and we would like to ? they're here in solidarity with me because we like nonfiction.
                      We like nonfiction and we live in fictitious times.
                      We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elects a fictitious president.
                      We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons.
                      Whether it's the fictition of duct tape or fictition of orange alerts we are against this war, Mr. Bush.
                      Shame on you, Mr. Bush, shame on you.
                      And any time you got the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against you, your time is up.
                      Thank you very much."
                      Funny how the reasons for war have actually turned out to be fictitious!

                      The question simply is: has Saddam Hussein made a strategic, a political decision, that he will give up these horrible weapons of mass destruction and stop what he's been doing for all these many years? That's the question.
                      There is no other question.
                      Colin Powell


                      • evangelion
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1999

                        Originally posted by delirious
                        Originally posted by _evangelion_
                        Wasn't it proven that half of what was in Bowling for Columbine was either a lie or staged?
                        No, it wasn't.
                        Care to revise that statement?

                        Howlers in 'Columbine': Some of the distortions and falsehoods that plague the movie "Bowling for Columbine" are already well known, but Hardy and Clarke add details and reveal new whoppers.

                        Moore claims that National Rifle Association taunted the Denver area and the nation by holding "a large pro-gun rally" only days after the killings at Columbine High School.
                        In reality, the annual meeting had been planned well in advance, was required by law, could not have been changed in time to another city, and was stripped of all rallies and ceremony in deference to the community.

                        The movie depicts Charlton Heston as making his famous "cold, dead hands speech" in Denver.
                        In reality, the remarks came a year later in Charlotte, N.C., and Moore spliced bits of footage from that and another speech for maximum distortion. "It is a lie, a fraud, and a few other things," Hardy and Clarke write.

                        The fantasy film claims that Heston exploited a school shooting in Mount Morris, Mich., by staging another "big pro-gun rally" in October 2002.
                        In reality, Heston?s appearance came eight months after the shooting, at a get-out-the-vote event in nearby Flint. Others campaigning in the area around that time included Al Gore, George W. Bush ? and Moore himself, touting Ralph Nader.

                        The authors conclude: "Bowling for Columbine has less documentary value than the average Bugs Bunny cartoon. You see Heston giving a speech ? but it's doctored. You see history ? but unconnected facts are given a particular Moorewellian spin. You hear that a factory is making weapons of mass destruction ? actually, it's building satellite launch platforms. You're led to believe that a rally was a response to a shooting, but it turns out it was eight months later, in anticipation of an election. You watch a Bush-Quayle campaign ad, but in reality it was an ad Moore himself assembled."


                        • delirious
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 288

                          Originally posted by _evangelion_
                          Originally posted by delirious
                          Originally posted by _evangelion_
                          Wasn't it proven that half of what was in Bowling for Columbine was either a lie or staged?
                          No, it wasn't.
                          Care to revise that statement?

                          Howlers in 'Columbine': Some of the distortions and falsehoods that plague the movie "Bowling for Columbine" are already well known, but Hardy and Clarke add details and reveal new whoppers.
                          I'm aware of the problems with the movie.

                          However, how does that prove that "half of it" was either staged or a lie? If you have evidence that half of it was, please provide it.


                          • cosmo
                            Gold Gabber
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 583

                            Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" broke records this weekend, becoming the first documentary to debut as Hollywood's top weekend film ? but there are holes in the controversial film's story.

                            For instance, in one often-showed clip, Moore claims that President Bush was on vacation 42 percent of the time during his first several months in office ? but that estimation included weekends at Camp David, a common practice for presidents. Without those days figured in, Bush actually spent 13 percent of his time on vacation.

                            The movie also criticizes Bush for staying inside a Florida classroom full of kids for a full seven minutes after he learned that the country was under attack on Sept. 11, 2001.

                            However, the vice chairman of the Sept. 11 commission has said that Bush did the right thing. "Bush made the right decision in remaining calm, in not rushing out of the classroom," said Lee Hamilton, a former Democratic congressman from Indiana.

                            In "Fahrenheit 9/11" Moore also claims that the White House approved plans for planes to pick up relatives of Usama Bin Laden right after the attacks. But according to terrorism czar Richard Clarke, he alone approved the Saudi flights.

                            In addition, Moore says that the departing Saudis were not properly processed by the FBI when leaving the country. That too is contradicted by the Sept. 11 commission, which said the Saudis were properly interviewed.
                            Finally, Moore shows prominent members of the Taliban visiting Texas, implying that they were invited by then-Governor Bush. The Taliban delegation, however, was invited to Houston by UNOCAL, a California energy company.

                            Moore also doesn't mention that the visit was made with the permission of the Clinton administration, which twice met with Taliban members ? in 1997 and 1998.


                            • delirious
                              Addiction started
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 288

                              Originally posted by cosmo
                              In "Fahrenheit 9/11" Moore also claims that the White House approved plans for planes to pick up relatives of Usama Bin Laden right after the attacks. But according to terrorism czar Richard Clarke, he alone approved the Saudi flights.
                              According to Richard Clarke's testimony, it was agreed to by the White House and the FBI.

                              it was a conscious decision with complete review at the highest levels of the State Department and the FBI and the White House.
                              Testimony of Richard Clarke, Former Counterterrorism Chief, National Security Council, before The Senate Judiciary Committee, September 3, 2003.

                              Originally posted by cosmo
                              In addition, Moore says that the departing Saudis were not properly processed by the FBI when leaving the country. That too is contradicted by the Sept. 11 commission, which said the Saudis were properly interviewed.
                              Most Saudis who left were not interviewed at all by the FBI. In fact, of the 142 Saudis on these flights, only 30 were interviewed.
                              National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, Threats and Responses in 2001, Staff Statement No. 10, The Saudi Flights, p. 12

                              I suggest you also read Rumsfeld's testimony. He said he didn't even have a clue who they were, nor if they were interviewed properly.

                              Originally posted by cosmo
                              Finally, Moore shows prominent members of the Taliban visiting Texas, implying that they were invited by then-Governor Bush. The Taliban delegation, however, was invited to Houston by UNOCAL, a California energy company.

                              Moore also doesn't mention that the visit was made with the permission of the Clinton administration, which twice met with Taliban members ? in 1997 and 1998.
                              *Yawn* the predictable blaming of Clinton.

                              LOL Still no lies found in Farenheight 9/11?
                              You must be getting desperate!


                              • evangelion
                                Platinum Poster
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 1999

                                Originally posted by delirious
                                Originally posted by _evangelion_
                                Originally posted by delirious
                                Originally posted by _evangelion_
                                Wasn't it proven that half of what was in Bowling for Columbine was either a lie or staged?
                                No, it wasn't.
                                Care to revise that statement?

                                Howlers in 'Columbine': Some of the distortions and falsehoods that plague the movie "Bowling for Columbine" are already well known, but Hardy and Clarke add details and reveal new whoppers.
                                I'm aware of the problems with the movie.

                                However, how does that prove that "half of it" was either staged or a lie? If you have evidence that half of it was, please provide it.
                                Ok, now we are argueing semantics. Is this what its come too???

                                Ok...some of it is staged or a lie.

                                A portion of it was staged or a lie.

                                Parts of it are staged or a lie.

                                Any amount less than half of it is staged or a lie.


