The bold and repeated lying

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  • res0nat0r
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • May 2006
    • 14475

    Re: The bold and repeated lying

    he mad.


    • floridaorange
      I'm merely a humble butler
      • Dec 2005
      • 29116

      Re: The bold and repeated lying

      Originally posted by ddr
      Instead of NAMING a handful of points you just put a link to a 2000+ page document and tell us to read it while you fail to read a simple article he posted before? FFS dude.. I apologize but that just annoys me.

      Originally posted by vinnie97
      You know what, I'm putting you on ignore because I don't need to read this kind of vitriol and risk a heart attack while you spit venom at the screen.

      DDR is one of the more articulate and reasonable participants in the Political section. He's not saying you are partisian bullshit, he's saying the Repubs in office who are all against Obamacare is a bunch of partisian bs. I'm not really sure what the rest of your response even means, but DDR is a good member to discuss politics with, he actually reads and knows what he's talking about most of the time. To put him on ignore over his comment is just silly. He's a cool dude

      Truth is, Obamacare was a Republican bill back in the 90's originally as well.

      It was fun while it lasted...


      • vinnie97
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Jul 2007
        • 3454

        Re: The bold and repeated lying

        All of that's easy for you to say, OJ, because you agree with him. If you don't like my decision, report me to the authorities. Republicans didn't see it as a winning strategy, or they would have obviously continued to pursue it. Demmies didn't give a damn. Anyway, I know hostility when I see it, and as this nightmare of a bill continues to unravel and expands Federal control over our lives (circumventing the constitution, the balance of power, and state rights along with it), that will be justification enough as to my initial perceptions about this bill being dead-on. Please don't preach at me with your faux mediation when it's really nothing more than the equivalent of your way or the highway.

        Once again, you don't need to condescend me for the 2nd time by reminding me about a minority group of Republicans who pushed for this type of legislation in the 90s, as that is immaterial to how it was foisted upon the populace in 2010. I voted for the constitution party in this election cycle along with tea party candidates in local and state races; a lot of good that did thanks to those media types who latched onto the D talking points and went hyperbolic with those who spoke a little too freely about their convictions about the sanctity of life.

        PS. Mind your own business.

        PPS. You guys won, you don't need neanderthals like me to see it your way. Just own up to whatever box of goodies it brings.


        • res0nat0r
          Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
          • May 2006
          • 14475

          Re: The bold and repeated lying

          Repubs hate it and Romney tried not to talk about it at all because they wanted to oppose anything Obama did to try and get back in the office. Well that failed. Also your rights arent being taken away give me a break. Your taxes will go up if you opt out, since SCOTUS said it is a tax. You have no problem with Social Security, Medicare, the fire department and the police right? Those are "socialist" state/gov't run things people seem to have no problem with.

          The good thing is the election is over and those few white rich dudes who are pissed it didn't go their way will still try to get Grover Norquist to oppose any tax changes but they are slowly losing power. Look at how some Repubs slapped Romney down after his conf call about Obama winning because he gives away "free stuff".


          • floridaorange
            I'm merely a humble butler
            • Dec 2005
            • 29116

            Re: The bold and repeated lying

            *usps too

            It was fun while it lasted...


            • Highsteppa
              Gold Gabber
              • Feb 2005
              • 735

              Re: The bold and repeated lying

              Oh noes the "I'm gonna put you on ignore" threat. Wow, that's telling them.

              Why not go for the double and remove them from your facebook friends list, and maybe telling them that you're not going to invite them to your next sleep over party.

              Jesus fucking Christ.

              It says a fuck of a lot when Mitt Romey delayed his concession speech because he didn't have one - he actually thought he was going to win, despite the fact that you're in a very close election race. Don't believe me? Then why the fuck did he spend $25K on fireworks? Because he wanted to go out big?

              The Tea Party is part of the problem with the Republican party - they're causing a division in the political party that is rapidly starting to show. I don't envy any Republican party member that is faced with this possibly career ending catch 22 - if they go the way of the Tea Party's refusal to compromise or make concessions, they risk losing their moderates and if they go with the moderates, they risk losing their rabid base that they had capitulated for for so long, that they're now feeling entitled to having their way or nothing.

              Times have changed already, they're facing a new world where you can't rely on the WASP demographic to carry you to victory because they're the minority. Social issues have become much more complex than something that can be summed up in talking points.

              Clint Eastwood talking to the empty chair during the shitshow that was the RNC was more symbolic than anyone I think ever anticipated.


              • floridaorange
                I'm merely a humble butler
                • Dec 2005
                • 29116

                Re: The bold and repeated lying

                Originally posted by Highsteppa
                Clint Eastwood talking to the empty chair during the shitshow that was the RNC was more symbolic than anyone I think ever anticipated.

                It was fun while it lasted...


                • res0nat0r
                  Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                  • May 2006
                  • 14475

                  Re: The bold and repeated lying

                  Originally posted by Highsteppa
                  It says a fuck of a lot when Mitt Romey delayed his concession speech because he didn't have one - he actually thought he was going to win, despite the fact that you're in a very close election race. Don't believe me? Then why the fuck did he spend $25K on fireworks? Because he wanted to go out big?
                  I wonder if they really believed this or if this was just bluster. Anyone with half of a brain and who was looking at the actual numbers had Obama winning by a large margin weeks before election. That is why Nate Silver predicted every state correctly. It is hard to believe save for the Fox newscasters being sensational that anyone who was really involved with the campaigns would be ignoring this data.

                  We will see how long/if the Repubs will hold strong and not budge at all for this fiscal cliff biznezz. If they won't compromise at all Obama just needs to start making them look extremely bad by going to the public to get things resolved. Since he doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected anymore he should start pointing fingers more.


                  • clintlove
                    Hey girl, ya Hungry?
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 3264

                    Re: The bold and repeated lying

                    Originally posted by res0nat0r
                    We will see how long/if the Repubs will hold strong and not budge at all for this fiscal cliff biznezz. If they won't compromise at all Obama just needs to start making them look extremely bad by going to the public to get things resolved. Since he doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected anymore he should start pointing fingers more.
                    Repubs will probably compromise and agree to a tax increase, like you said, I don't think they really have a choice. However taxing the rich will never pay for all the entitlement programs his administration wants to continue to fund. Cutting spending is the only option at this point, but I don't see the dems compromising on that. Our country's debt lies squarely in the hands of the current administration. I'm interested to see if they can make the right choices or if we'll have to fall to some extreme measures because of our ever increasing debt. At the current spending rate, we are definitely in for "change".

                    Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.



                    • floridaorange
                      I'm merely a humble butler
                      • Dec 2005
                      • 29116

                      Re: The bold and repeated lying

                      We all need to be paying more taxes for better infrastructure. I heard a report on NPR today about financiers pretty much cutting budgets on the big gas and electric co's and now we're fucked when natural disasters hit populated areas. It's a serious issue for sure, our roads and bridges are all crumbling as well, since Regan moved the country away from the New Deal.

                      It was fun while it lasted...


                      • Highsteppa
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Feb 2005
                        • 735

                        Re: The bold and repeated lying

                        Originally posted by res0nat0r
                        I wonder if they really believed this or if this was just bluster. Anyone with half of a brain and who was looking at the actual numbers had Obama winning by a large margin weeks before election. That is why Nate Silver predicted every state correctly. It is hard to believe save for the Fox newscasters being sensational that anyone who was really involved with the campaigns would be ignoring this data.

                        I think it's something both the right and the left were guilty of: insulating themselves in reports and data that catered to their point of view, which is a very dangerous and foolish thing to do. There's a lot of shit that goes on with MSNBC that mirrors the horseshit that goes on with Fox News, the difference to me is that Fox News screams a fuck of a lot more louder and with a bit more flamboyance. MSNBC just doesn't have the same panache with the idiotic statements they're capable of saying - and therefore don't get as much attention.

                        Also, remember that Karl Rove was involved with the Romney side of things - when he was bitching at the Fox News peeps about how they called Ohio in Obama's favor, with "only" 77% of the tally in, it spoke volumes about how fucking delusional he was.

                        We will see how long/if the Repubs will hold strong and not budge at all for this fiscal cliff biznezz. If they won't compromise at all Obama just needs to start making them look extremely bad by going to the public to get things resolved. Since he doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected anymore he should start pointing fingers more.
                        I don't envy the Repubs with the crisis they're facing - like I said, the more extreme wing of their base has gotten used to calling the shots and being listened to since 9/11 and are losing their clout now. In the process, they've alienated the moderates that might lean to the right and could vote Republican. It doesn't help that you've got retards like Trump, Michelle Bachman or even Newt Gingrich and the other talking heads/commentators who are there to promote themselves more than actually contributing to their cause.

                        The thing that's really got their nuts in a vice is Grover Norquist's moronic pledge - and I don't really blame Norquist as much as I do the short sightedness in having signed that pledge in the first place. Norquist is a lobbyist - he's doing his job, even if the pledge he came up was politically convenient 20 years ago to oppose Clinton's presidency. They should have been seen as political suicide for anyone that might be able to see that if things got tough economically while they were in office with such an open ended worded pledge - seriously, who the fuck stays in one position for their entire tenure as a politician? For them to blame Norquist for this is kind of dumb and the grandstanding that you're seeing Graham and other Repubs about how they're "standing up" to him is nothing but political theater, they knew what they were signing up for, they should own up to it. I think that clintlove is on the nose with them going to capitulate, but what they're going to have to answer to with their far right supporters is going to cause casualties with their own numbers.


                        • res0nat0r
                          Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                          • May 2006
                          • 14475

                          Re: The bold and repeated lying

                          Originally posted by clintlove
                          Repubs will probably compromise and agree to a tax increase, like you said, I don't think they really have a choice. However taxing the rich will never pay for all the entitlement programs his administration wants to continue to fund. Cutting spending is the only option at this point, but I don't see the dems compromising on that. Our country's debt lies squarely in the hands of the current administration. I'm interested to see if they can make the right choices or if we'll have to fall to some extreme measures because of our ever increasing debt. At the current spending rate, we are definitely in for "change".
                          Why can't we increase taxes AND also cut wasteful spending?


                          • res0nat0r
                            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                            • May 2006
                            • 14475

                            Re: The bold and repeated lying

                            Originally posted by Highsteppa
                            I think it's something both the right and the left were guilty of: insulating themselves in reports and data that catered to their point of view, which is a very dangerous and foolish thing to do. There's a lot of shit that goes on with MSNBC that mirrors the horseshit that goes on with Fox News, the difference to me is that Fox News screams a fuck of a lot more louder and with a bit more flamboyance. MSNBC just doesn't have the same panache with the idiotic statements they're capable of saying - and therefore don't get as much attention.

                            Also, remember that Karl Rove was involved with the Romney side of things - when he was bitching at the Fox News peeps about how they called Ohio in Obama's favor, with "only" 77% of the tally in, it spoke volumes about how fucking delusional he was.

                            I don't envy the Repubs with the crisis they're facing - like I said, the more extreme wing of their base has gotten used to calling the shots and being listened to since 9/11 and are losing their clout now. In the process, they've alienated the moderates that might lean to the right and could vote Republican. It doesn't help that you've got retards like Trump, Michelle Bachman or even Newt Gingrich and the other talking heads/commentators who are there to promote themselves more than actually contributing to their cause.

                            The thing that's really got their nuts in a vice is Grover Norquist's moronic pledge - and I don't really blame Norquist as much as I do the short sightedness in having signed that pledge in the first place. Norquist is a lobbyist - he's doing his job, even if the pledge he came up was politically convenient 20 years ago to oppose Clinton's presidency. They should have been seen as political suicide for anyone that might be able to see that if things got tough economically while they were in office with such an open ended worded pledge - seriously, who the fuck stays in one position for their entire tenure as a politician? For them to blame Norquist for this is kind of dumb and the grandstanding that you're seeing Graham and other Repubs about how they're "standing up" to him is nothing but political theater, they knew what they were signing up for, they should own up to it. I think that clintlove is on the nose with them going to capitulate, but what they're going to have to answer to with their far right supporters is going to cause casualties with their own numbers.


                            • clintlove
                              Hey girl, ya Hungry?
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 3264

                              Re: The bold and repeated lying

                              Originally posted by res0nat0r
                              Why can't we increase taxes AND also cut wasteful spending?
                              Of course, there should be compromise on both sides. If there's an increase in taxes there should be a decrease in spending, but I personally don't think dems will cut spending. At least not in the areas that are most wasteful.

                              Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.



                              • res0nat0r
                                Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                                • May 2006
                                • 14475

                                Re: The bold and repeated lying

                                Obama wanted to reduce military spending he stated during the debates and that looks like it is about 19% of spending right now, so hopefully that plus some smart cuts to bloated healthcare costs would actually be something that could make a difference.

