Where do you fall on the political spectrum?

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  • mylexicon
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 339

    Originally posted by two-
    progressive muzik is about "change" how could you be conservative???
    Because government has nothing to do with music dimwit.

    You can't really express political doctrine by using left or right. I'm
    libertarian--which means i'm left and right. But i am much different than a
    moderate. You have to use that stupid box model that everyone uses when
    they take poli-sci. In one corner of the box is classical-liberal/anarchist and in the oposite
    corner is communism/totalitarianism. And then in one of the remaining corners
    goes classical republican and in the other fascist.

    CLASSICAL-LIBERALYou hate the government and you don't believe humans
    shouldn't really be organized at all (can't exist in its pure form) Libertarians are
    conservative anarchists. If you believe you have nearly unlimited social freedom
    and you believe your money belongs to you and you hate the gov but see
    it as a necessary evil. You value private property, and you won't give up any
    freedoms unless it is temporary during time of war or humantarian strife. You
    prefer federalism and you believe human organization should be carried
    out on a local level.

    COMMUNIST (CLASSICAL REPUBLICAN)You believe the government runs everything and no one
    is independent (can't exist in pure form) If you believe that private property
    is morally wrong, if you believe that the federal government should assign
    people jobs, if you believe everyone should make the same amount of money,
    you are a communist.

    MODERN LIBERAL If you believe that you should have nearly unlimited
    social freedoms but you believe that money and business should be heavily
    regulated and controlled you are a liberal. You believe that politicians must
    be disinterested (the most have everything already so they don't fall victim
    to bribery). You believe that free enterprise and private property are tolerable
    but not desirable. You prefer a big central government.

    MODERN CONSERVATIVEYou believe that business should be free but you believe that
    humans must be controlled with some form of social legislation. You like private
    property but aren't big on unlimited individuality and freedom of expression except through
    business. You emphasize conformity.

    My political ideologies aren't even account for on the poll choices and consequently
    neither are the ideologies of our founding fathers.

    As everyone knows i hate the modern day democrat party because it panders
    to people to get votes and has become FUBAR in recent years. The problem
    with the democratic party is it houses a bunch of incognito communists called
    soccer moms!!!!!! The family oriented woman who believes in safety over business,
    believes in massive social programs, and after school events that
    everyone should participate in, and war on drugs and television censorship,
    and no gun ownership and .... and.... and..... Since the democratic party
    panders to all people equally, they end up passing economically restrictive
    and social restrictive legislation at the same time!!!!!! They are just really
    good at disguising it.

    And if you don't believe they play both sides then why do they always vote
    for things and then act ashamed of them They vote for Iraq and Afghanistan
    and then they act ashamed of their country and have this look on their face
    like gee wilikers we never knew war was this bad; they vote for the RAVE act
    and then they act like the world is coming to an end. They strenghten
    the RIAA and to keep the liberal recording industry and hollywood
    happy. Then the bash republicans for imprisoning grandparents and teenagers.

    And all the while they pray to god that their largely libertarian minority voters
    who hate cops, politicians, taxes and all other government institutions
    will never wake up and realize they are voting for the wrong party.
    Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..


    • Troklo
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 2012

      progressive muzik is about "change" how could you be conservative???
      Funny I was thinking the same thing the other day, how can samone with such an open mind to understand electronic music and still be conservative??
      Quiero brincar al agua para caer al cielo


      • delirious
        Addiction started
        • Jun 2004
        • 288

        Originally posted by Troklo
        progressive muzik is about "change" how could you be conservative???
        Funny I was thinking the same thing the other day, how can samone with such an open mind to understand electronic music and still be conservative??
        Don't judge a person from their political affiliations.

        Some people are brought up with parents with a particular view and never question what they've been told... Some people hold their view like their religion, never letting go no matter how things change or what facts are brought to light. Some people question their views and are constanylu learning, progressing and evolving.

        Perhaps they looked at the conservative movement and thought it was the answer to the world's problems!

        Love thy Conservative brothers
        It really pissed them off


        • Civic_Zen
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1116

          Originally posted by Troklo
          progressive muzik is about "change" how could you be conservative???
          Funny I was thinking the same thing the other day, how can samone with such an open mind to understand electronic music and still be conservative??
          Why don't you read the post above yours and actually learn something. Its because I had an open mind that I fell in love with electronic music. Its also because of that that I have 'more' conservative beliefs then liberal. I used to be more democratic in high school before I actually became politically educated. But that, in no way, means I don't have 'any' liberal beliefs. Its just like lexicon said, democrats now and days are completely FUBAR. It used to be that the liberal's were the ones that hated the government and over-taxation. Now, the democrats aren't happy unless 1000 new laws are passed all the time. More laws don't help the situation, it makes it worse.

          "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves." -Thomas Jefferson

          "Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." -Thomas Paine, "Common Sense", 1776

          "The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along, paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return." -Gore Vidal

          "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." -George Washington

          Right on lexicon with that SOCCER MOM!! analogy. That is exactly right too. And you did a good job explaining the branches. I used to be so liberal in high school that I was an anarchist. Just like in the movie SLC Punk. God, I love that movie. It roxx. But just like in that movie, I learned to understand that everything has a system, and that system governs life. Even if there was no government or no system in place, everyone will still be governed by something ideological. Thats life. And so, government is a necessary evil, but I still hate it.
          "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
          "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
          - Thomas Jefferson


          • Troggers
            Getting warmed up
            • Jun 2004
            • 94

            What's the point in arguing about politics. It's not like you're going to change anyone's views. Politics should be highly personal. Support the doctrine that suits your needs best.
            As far as I'm concerned I'm floating somewhere on the left side. Don't know how to make it clear to Americans as American left is a lot more right wing that European left. I'm pretty much in favour of heavy taxation to support a widely developed social security and basically a fair amount of government paternalism to correct the most stringent inequalities, so you can't pigeonhole me to the options in the poll.


            • mylexicon
              Addiction started
              • Jun 2004
              • 339

              Originally posted by delirious
              Some people hold their view like their religion, never letting go no matter how things change or what facts are brought to light. Some people question their views and are constanylu learning, progressing and evolving.
              Please, for the love of god, take at least one poli-sci class at a
              respectable institution before you die. Neither conservatives nor liberals are
              moving forward.....in fact the are both moving backwards towards totalitarianism.

              Liberals have turned all animals, trees, and land back over to the king. And
              the support a feudal business arrangement.

              Consevatives ask you to behave and believe in something higher than yourself.....
              unfortunately many have used the gov. to accomplish it.

              Neither ideology is moving forward, all political frontiers have been pioneered.
              All people are doing these days is finding new innovative ways to justify
              antiquated political orientations.

              Since i am a libertarian i am slightly more conservative than liberal. But its
              not because i want to use the government to control people. I simply don't
              see how my life will ever be enhanced by hearing explitives on network tv,
              or allowing the KKK to speak at public universities, or by watching porn before
              10pm. :P People are still mainly free even with limitations, i watch HBO all
              the time which is porn and explitives, so most conservative legislation is
              easily circumvented by individual choice. Liberals are just afraid of the moral
              crusaders who represent a tiny minority of the population. But if they were
              actually true to their creed; they would respect their opinions and bend over
              backwards to help them.
              Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..


              • delirious
                Addiction started
                • Jun 2004
                • 288

                Originally posted by mylexicon
                Originally posted by delirious
                Some people hold their view like their religion, never letting go no matter how things change or what facts are brought to light. Some people question their views and are constanylu learning, progressing and evolving.
                Please, for the love of god, take at least one poli-sci class at a
                respectable institution before you die. Neither conservatives nor liberals are
                moving forward.....in fact the are both moving backwards towards totalitarianism.
                Please start reading for content. I never said conservatives or liberals are moving forward. I said "Some people question their views and are constanylu learning, progressing and evolving."


                • evangelion
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1999

                  Originally posted by mylexicon
                  Originally posted by two-
                  progressive muzik is about "change" how could you be conservative???
                  Because government has nothing to do with music dimwit.

                  Plus it's just a label anyways. The conservative faction in America are the ones who went to war. Not a very "conservative" move now is?


                  • mylexicon
                    Addiction started
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 339

                    Originally posted by delirious
                    Please start reading for content. I never said conservatives or liberals are moving forward. I said "Some people question their views and are constanylu learning, progressing and evolving."
                    Originally posted by I
                    ..........all political frontiers have been pioneered.
                    All people are doing these days is finding new innovative ways to justify
                    antiquated political orientations.
                    Are semantics the only thing you have to argue about when it comes to
                    politics........it gets tiresome and it's not productive.
                    Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..


                    • Jenks
                      I'm kind of a big deal.
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 10250

                      Re: Where do you fall on the political spectrum?

                      Tastes like chicken.


                      • apollo_1444
                        • Oct 2006
                        • 485

                        Re: Where do you fall on the political spectrum?

                        although i'm not american and i could care less about their political crap... its fuckin' funny to see all the answers seriously.. if you are a REPUBLICAN just fuckin' say it! why the bullshit of saying "oh like i'm not right-wing nor liberal but i like these political views" if you are a fucking rep just fucking say it.


                        • Shpira
                          Angry Boy Child
                          • Oct 2006
                          • 4969

                          Re: Where do you fall on the political spectrum?

                          Im a communist nazi jew. no joke...
                          Last edited by Shpira; March 30, 2007, 08:59:41 PM.
                          The Idiots ARE Winning.

                          "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                          Mark Twain

                          SOBRIETY MIX


                          • thesightless
                            Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 13567

                            Re: Where do you fall on the political spectrum?

                            libertarian. which for the non-US folk means socially liberal, and conservative in crime, economics, labor relations, and security. slightly right of the middle. i embrace quite a few ideas from liberals, including affordable and heavily regulated medical feilds, enviormental conservation, and freedoms on the social end. but with the conservative approach of handling them. example. legalize pot, regualte it like booze. DWI's, etc. but no more leinient stances when the freedoms are breached and cause harm.. you get into an accident while stoned or drunk, you better be ready to deal with the consequences. jailtime. and if you hurt or kill someone, you should be punished as if you were drunk.

                            or another example, one which nearly landed me in jail, social rights amoung others, (protesting). if you want to protest, get a permit and stay where they allow it. while you have the right to voice your opinion, you have zero rights to, a. disrupt others lives (like sitting in front of penn station during the RNC and causing a few million people to be late to work, or screaming in my face which leads me to break your nose and get hauled off to central booking in manhatten)., or b. destroy property or prohibit others from thier normal lives.

                            neither party has a monopoly on the "correct way to do things, in fact, we need a healthy representation of both sides within gov't. for various reasons. if the democrats had complete control on the economy, it goes unchecked and destroys small business. on the other hand, a complete republican control would lead to a downfall of union labor's abuses.

                            things like immigration, i feel that the latin american illegals here within the USA, can stay, but they must file for legalization, and immedietly, and those who dont, must leave ASAP. you are here, do things the way we do them. and furthermore, base the penalties on the businesses here when the openly ignore the laws. dont send a few million latins to jail, just deport them. more than half of the latin american GDV (gross domestic value) is from american money tax free, while they continue to utilize our roads, socail services and shools. change the law about birthing a child here, so that illegals who openly work without parpers and taxation must leave, even with children here, this can be done through the already established shool systems and social workers. if you attend school, your parents must show their social security numbers. if not, report them.

                            one other big thing i think about often is what really "grinds my gears" is the social welfare programs, i have a few major points, 1. illegals cant have it. not at all. you dont pay in, you cant receive.. 2. and this is the republican side of me, limit it. limit it to 3 months at a time, and you can only file for 24 months in a lifetime with no two periods of 3 full months occuring within one calendar year. this will encourage people to look for jobs, even mcdonalds pays minimum wage. and 3. help them find jobs, dont just check to see if they are looking, but keep your eyes open, and point them in the direction of a job. after that, say goodbye to all social payments unless they are a result of mental or physical retardation and the person is incapable of work. this will not apply to drug addicts. if you are disabled due to drug use, its your own fault.
                            your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                            Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                            download that. deep shit listed there

                            my dick is its own superhero.


                            • apollo_1444
                              • Oct 2006
                              • 485

                              Re: Where do you fall on the political spectrum?

                              Originally posted by thesightless
                              libertarian. which for the non-US folk means socially liberal, and conservative in crime, economics, labor relations, and security. slightly right of the middle. i embrace quite a few ideas from liberals, including affordable and heavily regulated medical feilds, enviormental conservation, and freedoms on the social end, but there is more./
                              i really doubt that ...you a liberal? lmao


                              • thesightless
                                Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 13567

                                Re: Where do you fall on the political spectrum?

                                you an asshat? definetly. ask those who meet me, and have actually talked to me. until then, shut up. i am quite liberal on many many topics.

                                i unlike you can form an opinoin based on facts, not just feeling. i have shown that, you have shown you took one college level course in sociology.
                                your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                                Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                                download that. deep shit listed there

                                my dick is its own superhero.

