Originally posted by two-
You can't really express political doctrine by using left or right. I'm
libertarian--which means i'm left and right. But i am much different than a
moderate. You have to use that stupid box model that everyone uses when
they take poli-sci. In one corner of the box is classical-liberal/anarchist and in the oposite
corner is communism/totalitarianism. And then in one of the remaining corners
goes classical republican and in the other fascist.
CLASSICAL-LIBERALYou hate the government and you don't believe humans
shouldn't really be organized at all (can't exist in its pure form) Libertarians are
conservative anarchists. If you believe you have nearly unlimited social freedom
and you believe your money belongs to you and you hate the gov but see
it as a necessary evil. You value private property, and you won't give up any
freedoms unless it is temporary during time of war or humantarian strife. You
prefer federalism and you believe human organization should be carried
out on a local level.
COMMUNIST (CLASSICAL REPUBLICAN)You believe the government runs everything and no one
is independent (can't exist in pure form) If you believe that private property
is morally wrong, if you believe that the federal government should assign
people jobs, if you believe everyone should make the same amount of money,
you are a communist.
MODERN LIBERAL If you believe that you should have nearly unlimited
social freedoms but you believe that money and business should be heavily
regulated and controlled you are a liberal. You believe that politicians must
be disinterested (the most have everything already so they don't fall victim
to bribery). You believe that free enterprise and private property are tolerable
but not desirable. You prefer a big central government.
MODERN CONSERVATIVEYou believe that business should be free but you believe that
humans must be controlled with some form of social legislation. You like private
property but aren't big on unlimited individuality and freedom of expression except through
business. You emphasize conformity.
My political ideologies aren't even account for on the poll choices and consequently
neither are the ideologies of our founding fathers.
As everyone knows i hate the modern day democrat party because it panders
to people to get votes and has become FUBAR in recent years. The problem
with the democratic party is it houses a bunch of incognito communists called
soccer moms!!!!!! The family oriented woman who believes in safety over business,
believes in massive social programs, and after school events that
everyone should participate in, and war on drugs and television censorship,
and no gun ownership and .... and.... and..... Since the democratic party
panders to all people equally, they end up passing economically restrictive
and social restrictive legislation at the same time!!!!!! They are just really
good at disguising it.
And if you don't believe they play both sides then why do they always vote
for things and then act ashamed of them They vote for Iraq and Afghanistan
and then they act ashamed of their country and have this look on their face
like gee wilikers we never knew war was this bad; they vote for the RAVE act
and then they act like the world is coming to an end. They strenghten
the RIAA and to keep the liberal recording industry and hollywood
happy. Then the bash republicans for imprisoning grandparents and teenagers.
And all the while they pray to god that their largely libertarian minority voters
who hate cops, politicians, taxes and all other government institutions
will never wake up and realize they are voting for the wrong party.