Recorded earlier this month and set for exclusive broadcast on FriskyRadio.com on november 14th. Lots of great music and special versions included...
40oz vs Floppy Sounds City Cry (W/L)
Furry Phreaks Soothe (High Skies Mix) (Miso)
Jimpster Cant Stop Loving (Freerange)
Kings of Tomorrow Show Me (Original Mix) (Defected)
Matthias Heilbronn I Dont Know Why (Dub) (Electric Minds)
Kevin Yost Bionic Bottom Mix (I Records)
Lemonade Ice Water (Opencloud Frozen Mix) (W/L)
Atnarko Get This Feeling (Chris Fortier Beats) (Dance:Revolt)
Atnarko Get This Feeling (Chris Fortier Remix) (Dance:Revolt)
The Soulshapes Kompass (Original Mix) (Numoment)
Chris Fortier Benefit of Doubt (John Debo Remix) (Mindwarp)
Huxley Failing Upwards (Original Mix) (Leftroom)
Maceo Plex & Jon DaSilva & Joi Cardwell Love Somebody Else (MP Bonus) (Ellum Audio)
Chris Fortier Show Me The Ways (Chris Fortier Remix) (Mindwarp)
40oz Hold Me, Love Me, Loop Me (W/L)
Lil Roj Free Air (Chris Fortier Remix) (Subsensory)
Marbert Rocel - Small Hours (Daniel Stefanik Remix) (Compost)